2. Crazy Woman

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Avyansh's POV

I woke up on my usual time. I wake up 5 in the morning and after getting freshen up, I directly hit the gym. I do exercise for almost one and half hour daily. I like to keep myself in shape. Then I take shower and got ready to go to the office. I wore my black business suit, clasped my Rolex on my wrist, set my hair back and sprayed some cologne.

By the time I got ready, it was already seven

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By the time I got ready, it was already seven. I still had pretty much time to go to the office, so I took out file for today's meeting with the US client I had at 11 today. I go through the file, just to make sure that everything is perfect. Then I go through the presentation which my Assistant Ved sent yesterday in night. By the time I am done with checking the files and presentation, to make that there are no possibilities of errors. As I got engrossed in the file I didn't even realise that it is 8:30 already.

I took the file and made my way out of my room. I strode down the stairs and my way towards the living room, where my family members were having their morning tea and coffee with their usual chit chat.

"Good morning everyone" I say as I reach the living room.

"Good morning beta/ bhai" They all reply to me at once.

"I am going to office when will you both come?  I ask my brothers Agastya and Vihaan.

" We will come at the usual time of the office. We are not like you bhai, who always thinks about only work."  He said.

" We have meeting at 11 with the US client, so be on time you both. I don't won't you two to be late for even a second." I say in my usual cold and rude voice. They all are used to it by now.

They nod their head as a reply and I made my towards the door, going toward our house parking. I took the keys of my black Audi R8. I went towards my car and opened the door of the driver's seat and slid inside. I keep the file in my hand on the passenger seat, wore my seatbelt and drove off. I had time so I thought to go to the usual Cafe, which on my way to the office.

I parked my car outside the cafe and made my way inside. I straight went to the counter to place my order Employees know me here because I come here often.

"Good morning sir"  The girl on the counter greets me.

I just nod my head to her as an acknowledgement.

"I will take my usual." I saaid. She nodded her head and made her way to make my coffee. She comes with two disposable take out coffee cups. She handed the one to me and the other to the customer who was standing behind me. I paid the bill by me card and left from there.

As I was going toward my car I took a sip of the coffee and as the flavour of creme, sugar, chocolate hit my tongue I spit it out. 'What the hell is this' I thought to myself and turned back to go into the cafe again. One girl was standing there paying her bill.

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