8. Shopping

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Mavika's Pov

I don't even know where the time flew by. My final semester is over and now I am busy in wedding preparations like every else in the family is. All the things our done by our parents. Venue, decorations menu, only dress and jewelry shopping is remaining because I was busy in my exams and without the bride shopping can't be done. So we are going for shopping today with Shekhawat's. We will go there personal boutique from where they all buy their clothes.

It's 9 in the morning and we will have to reach there till 10, because after that we also have to shop for matching jewelries and footwear. I got ready in a simple white knee length frock, paired it with a oversized olive green color Cardigan, because it's end of October, so wheather is little cold outside and Delhi is already famous for its winter season. Even Antarctica would not be cold like Delhi in winters. I wear my white shoes. I left my hair open and applied some moisturizer and lip balm then sprayed my favorite lavender perfume. I am all set to go.

I go downstairs and find my family waiting for me

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I go downstairs and find my family waiting for me.

"What are you wearing. You are going with your in laws and that's how you dress" my mom said with a disappointed look on her.

"Mom, I thought to wear something comfortable because it would take whole day in shopping, and we continously have to go one shop to another and then try clothes" I say softly while looking down.

"Go, and wear something good" my mom said getting pissed.

"Let it be now, Anandita, let her wear in which se feels comfortable. We are getting late already, so let's go" papa says while holding my hand pulling me out with him.

Me and Aarav are sitting in the back while papa is driving and mom is on passenger seat. It takes us 25 minutes to reach the boutique from which Shekhawat's design and buy their clothes.

As we enter inside they are already present there waiting for us. Our parents greet each other and Aarav goes to touch everyone's feet who is elder and says hello to Anaya, Agstya and Vihaan.

I go towards dad to greet him first and he caresses my head, then I go towards Maa who engulfs me in a warm hug and kiss my forehead.

"You are looking pretty bacha" Maa said while breaking the hug. Then I go towards chachu and chachi. And at last Anaya, Agastya and Vihaan.

"you are looking so cute bhabhi" Anaya said while hugging me.

"Thank you, you're also looking beautiful" I also compliment her while hugging. Agastya bhai and and Vihaan bhai also side hug me.

"How are you bhabhi and how's your exams?" Vihaan asks.

"I am good and exams were fine. How are you?" I asked back. My soon to be husband is nowhere to be seen. So I asked Anaya.

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