7. Nervous

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Today is Sunday and I am working from home as my in-laws are coming in the evening to fix the date of our marriage and Maa asked me to not go to office today. So here I am in my room and working from home.

For last two days have been thinking about talking to her regarding the things I said to her on the day of our roka. Because when I think about it from her side, it would be wrong to treat her that way. At we can be friends to make this work.

I again engross myself in the work and I didn't even realize that it's 5, they would have come long time ago. I go downstairs and saw her parents sitting with my family, but my siblings and the person I was hoping to talk is not here. I go towards them to greet them.

"Avyansh, everyone is in the garden area. You also go and sit with them" Maa informs me and I nod my head and left from there.

I go towards our garden area and saw them sitting together, talking and laughing with each other.

My eyes automatically settles on her. Her back is facing me and I am staring at her not moving from my place. I don't know what this wired feeling inside my body called whenever I see her.

"Bhai aap yaha kya kar rahe ho? Apko toh important kaam tha na?" Anaya said as she sees me standing there.

"Woh, mera kaam ho gaya tha toh main neeche aaya tha, but Maa ne yaha bhej diya" 

"Ok, agar aap free ho toh join us" Vihaan bhai says.

"Ok" I said while taking the seat on the chair in front of her. She is wearing a plan white suite with maroon color dupatta. She hasn't applied any makeup today, just little amount of lipstick. She has her hair down and she is just looking effortlessly gorgeous.

'Her cheeks, god I just wanna bite them'

What the hell! How can you even think that? I internally shook my head on my inner voice to clear my thoughts.

Then Agastya told his stupid Shayari. I don't get how they are laughing so hard on it, I didn't find anything funny at all. She is laughing the hardest. I don't find her laugh annoying and irritating like I do with most people. The sound of her laugh is the most melodious and sweetest thing I have ever heard. Her closes while laughing and she is looking ethereal as light wind blows her hair.

After everyone is done laughing I message Anaya to give us some privacy to talk. So she makes an excuse that her parcel arrived so she have to receive it and left. Then she calls Agastya and tells him to make an excuse to leave us alone and he does as asked.

Now it's me and her sitting alone. She haven't looked at me even for once since I arrived here and now she is scrolling her phone. I don't know but my palms feels sweaty and my heart picks up the pace as I contemplate how to start the conversation. I have never felt nervous in the whole 27 years of my existence and this girl who doesn't even reach to my shoulder can do this by her mere presence.

"Uhm.. How are you?"  I asked while clearing my throat.

"Fine!"  she replies, giving me a tight lipped smile and then again starts scrolling her phone.

"Are you ignoring me?" I ask what out of nowhere and she lifts her face up and looks into my eyes while saying

"And why would I do that?"

"The fact that you haven't looked at me and talked to me since I came here, it clearly indicates that you are avoiding my presence" I say in my usual emotionless voice what I have noticed till now.

"Well, if you forgot then let me remind you about the evening when you clearly told me to not expect anything from you and not to interfere in your life. I am doing as you asked me to".

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