11. Wedding

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Mavika's Pov

I am staring at the ceiling of my room while laying in my bed straight, hands placed on my stomach. I lift my left hand and brings it in front of my face and looking at the ring on my finger. It's beautiful. I am finally engaged and will be married in few days also.

Whatever happend today in the evening is still going on in my head. The fact that no one noticed the change in me other than Avyansh is still keeping me wide awake, because the changes in my body are not that prominent, but still he noticed.

He also said that I look different, but I don't know if he said it in a positive way or not. But when I think into it more, so why would he say it in a positive way. May be I was not looking good, that's why he said it, so that I don't feel bad or may be he didn't notice the changes in my body like others and it was just makeup that made me look different to him.

Many people at the engagement part complemented me, may be they lied and praised me out of pity, so that I don't feel sad on my special day.

Yeah, that's the reason they why they complemented me, because I don't look good. Mom also said that I don't look good, as according to her the makeup was too light and not perfect and my hair was also simply down with a maantika in the middle of partition.

By saying that I look different Avyansh also meant that I didn't look good. Exactly how could I think that he would like me. Mom told me that he has dated models and actresses in his past, how can he find me pretty. He would never like me. I wanted a marriage in which my husband would love me, but here forget about love, I don't think that he would ever like me even.

How will I be able to spend my whole life with a person who doesn't even like me. Nothing can be done now. May be he will divorce me after some months of our marriage and then I will be free from this loveless marriage. Or may be I can give him a divorce, then he can be with whoever he wants. He was forced into this whole thing by his father.

I don't even know that if he loves someone and because of me he is not with her. I don't know anything about him, except for his name. I am scared of my future, what would my life be after stepping into a marriage where my husband doesn't even like me.

Tears prick in the corners of my eyes and then slides down from my temple and then disappearing into my hairs.

God, why did you make me like this. No one likes me, forget about others my mother doesn't even like me. Since childhood she has never appreciated for my efforts. When I got good marks in school, she always said that it could be better, when I won something in competitions, she said that it was easy that's why I won. She never showed affection of a mother to me like she does with Arav. Am I that bad?

And that's how I fell asleep, crying and thinking about my childhood memories.


Wedding day

I didn't even realize how fast the days passed and the day of marriage came. It felt like yesterday when I was living freely and from today I will be bound to a person whome I don't even know and just met a month ago,and the fact that it's not gonna be like every other normal marriages our relation would not be like the normal couples after marriage.

From past few days, these thoughts and my insecurities are eating me alive. Whatever I did was never enough for my mom, infact I was never enough for her. Will I be ever enough for him?

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