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I created insta account for promoting my book, where I have uploaded some reels and spoilers of upcoming chapters.

Please follow my insta account for spoiler and also share with your friends to share further, so that I can get a good reach of my account

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Please follow my insta account for spoiler and also share with your friends to share further, so that I can get a good reach of my account.


About the next update, I don't whether I am gonna post it soon or not. Reason is you people are reading the book, but no one is voting and commenting. It really makes me doubt myself that what I am doing is good or not.

The thing in which I am putting so much efforts to make you people like worth it or not.

I know am not a pro writer and lacks in so many things, but at least I am trying from my side to make the story as interesting as I can to keep you guys hooked, but I guess it's not working.

When I see no response from your side, I feel really feel demotivated and think to delete the book. Sometimes I feel like I made a mistake.

It's a humble request from my side to all the readers, please vote and comment on the chapters. Share what are you feeling while reading. Tell me if I made a mistake, or if you want to share your ideas related to the story then you can also do that. But please don't be a silent reader.

Otherwise, I don't know what am gonna do as I don't wanna give up so early, but if you people continues to do the same, I am not gonna post an update any time soon.

Thank you
Your Author.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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