14. Noticing Her

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Avyansh's POV

Well, my wife thought that I was sleeping when she tried to slip away from my grip, but the thing she doesn't know about me is that I am a light sleeper, so when she tried to move the first time, I woke up. Still I pretended to be asleep and tighten my hold more around her waist when she tried to move. But then she stopped moving and kept her head again on my chest. I can feel her gaze on me, but that was few minutes only, after that I felt no movement from her. I slowly opened my eyes and look at her just to find her sleeping again on me.

This is the first time I am observing her face's feature, her lips are small and little pouty, and heart shaped, she has two moles on her right cheek,one on the cheek bone near hair line and the second on her jaw near her earlobe. She has one mole on upper forehead near her hair.

And most importantly she has a fucking another mole on her lower lip on the lest side. That's very light you won't be able to notice from a distance or when she applies lipstick, and this is the first time I noticed it. It's looking so tempting and I just wanna suck and chew on the fucking mole so that I can leave my mark there. I hate and love that mole on her lower lip at the same time. It's gonna be a huge turn on for me in the future whenever I see it and it's still turning me on. I am fucking getting a hard on right now when she is still in my arms, sleeping peacefully.

But I have to take it slow with her. So I try to divert my mind from her mole to something else. I think about cars, my upcoming projects, meetings and pending work and files waiting for me on my desk, and finally my hard on is gone. After that, I didn't make a mistake to look at her face again, because then my gaze would definitely go to her lip's mole.

I am just laying awake with her in my arms, my eyes are closed, feeling her body against mine. How she fits in my perfectly, like a piece of jigsaw puzzle.

I hear a knock on my door so I carefully removed my arm around Mavika and get up to open the door.

"Bhai, Maa is calling you and bhabhi down for tea and snacks" Anays spoke as I open the door. I nod my head. And again close the door. I go towards my side of bed side lamp table and pick my phone to see the time. It's 5:45 in the evening. We slept for the whole afternoon. It's expected as everyone was tired from the wedding rituals.

I go to the washroom to freshen up first as Mavika is still sleeping, so I don't wanna disturb her, cause she is the one who be more tired because of wedding function. So I will wake her up once I get ready.

I went to the washroom and and and did my business, then I washed my face. I take the hand towel hanging on the silver ring beside the basin and wipe my face. I took bath in the morning and it's almost winter, so I didn't feel the need to take it.

I come out of the washroom and see Mavika already awake, rubbing her eyes to open them fully, after that she stretches her both arm and almost her whole body while yawning. She is so adorable, I can just watch her whole day like this. Her hair are messy because of sleeping, her face is makeup free, and she doesn't even apply much though, just in a simple plain cotton suit.

I stop my admiring session and go towards my bed side table where my phone is kept. I look at her, she is finding something in on the bed and in the sheets and looking at her face's expression, I can tell that it is very precious to her. She jerkes the quilts again to make that thing appear from between them getting irritated, so I finally aks her.

"Did you lose something in the quilts and bed?"

"Where is my Bun-Bun?"

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