16. Helping Her

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Avyansh's POV

Well, I never thought that hugging someone not someone, hugging my wife would be the best feeling of the world. The way her soft body is pressed to my hard and muscled one, it feels so good. She fits perfectly in my arms as if a missing piece of jigsaw puzzle. Her hair smells like lavender and from now on it will be my favorite fragrance. I noticed that almost all her products have an essence of lavender and she also smells like that. Her fragrance is so relaxing and soothing to the nerves.

She tries to pull away from me and I losen my arms from around her back. She looks up at me with her red rimmed eyes because of her crying. Today I got to know one thing that I can't see her crying, her tears pinged in my heart and I just wanted to destroy the cause of her crying. If it would have been someone I would have made him pay for her each and every drop of the tear she shed, but unfortunately it's her insecurities and overthinking.

I did my best to clear her all the insecurities and comforted her as much as I could, but I have never done it before so I don't know if it was enough, but I feel that it wasn't enough. I know that she is still insecure about herself, but I will try my best to make her feel confident and comfortable in her own body. I will remind her how beautiful and perfect she is for me everyday or whenever I get the chance to remind her in a day.

I remember that she didn't had dinner properly today and also haven't had her previous meals properly. I am glad that she hasn't fallen sick or felt weakness in her body. From now on I will make sure that she has her meals regularly and properly.

I get up from the bed and she looks tilts her head up with a questioning look on her face as if asking where I am going.

"I am going downstairs, will be back in 2 minutes" she just nods her head and I make my way towards the door.

I go downstairs and go to the direction of the kitchen. All the lights are off only the dim lights are on in the corridors. I enter into the kitchen and switch on the lights. I open the fridge and take out the food which is left and put it in the microwave to heat it. Once it's done I serve it into the plate and cover it with another plate. I take the water bottle in my other hand and swith off the lights again.

I go upstairs towards my room and slightly push the door with my leg to open it fully. I see Mavika now shifted to her side of the bed with her back pressed on the headrest of the bed. She is reading a book and the fucker bunny is cuddled on left side in her arm.

I go to my side and place the plate in the middle of the bed. She looks at me and then at the plate and again indulge herself in the reading. What should I say to her now. It's so awkward. Should I feed her with my hands, that way I don't have to say anything and she can also continue to read without getting distracted much.

Oh god why I am so terrible in communicating and expressing myself.
'because you don't socialize enough with people' my subconscious voice mocked me. Shut up, no one asked you.

I remove the plate which was covering the food and keep it aside. I make a morsel for her and after dipping it in the curry I take my towards her mouth to feed her. She push her face a little back, taken aback by my move. She lifts her face and look at as if asking what I am doing.

"Eat" I simply say.

"But I am not hungry" she replies.

"You didn't had dinner properly, so eat it" I say still holding the morsel in front of her mouth.

"But..". She was about say something in protest, but as she opens her mouth I feed her morsel and she looks at me with frown on her head, shocked by my sudden move.

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