3. The Arrangement

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Author's Pov

At Shekhawat Mansion

Like every morning Avyansh wakes up on his usual time, gets ready for going to office. After getting ready he goes downstairs for having breakfast. He goes towards the dining room and he sits on the chair beside Agastya. He refused to take the head chair when he officially took over the business, because it would be disrespectful to his father, as he is the eldest in the family.

"Good morning everyone" He said after sitting and while pouring the juice in his glass.

"Good morning" everyone replied. He was buttering the toasted bread in his hand, when his father cleared his throat to gain everyone's attention. He was particularly looking at Avyansh. As Avyansh looks up to his father to continue. His father spoke.

"Avyansh we made a deal with Kapoor's to finish the rivalry between our businesses."

"What deal? And you didn't even think to discuss it with me for once?" He asked his father, he is trying to keep himself calm after hearing his father.

"For uniting our businesses and finishing the rivalry I proposed him a marriage arrangement between you and his daughter." As he said this, Avyansh lost his controll over his temper.

"you did what? How can you even propose such a deal without even asking me. There are many other ways by which we can unite our business. Marriage is not even important for that. You just cancel the contract. Because I am not gonna marry her "  he said angrily. He takes deep breaths just to control hi bursting anger, because of the bomb his father dropped on him.

" Look Avyansh, you are 27,and it is age for you to get married and settle down in your life. I know his daughter, I have met her so many time during business parties when you were in London completing your studies. She is not like other girls out there, and I think she is the right choice for you." His father said.

" But, papa how can you take such a big decision without talking to me. I don't even know her, I haven't ever seen her. We can unite our businesses with other ways too."   he said to his father

" But I don't wanna marry, why don't you understand this? Right now I just focus on the work and take our business to new heights. I don't have time for this." He said as calmly as possible to his father.

" Life is not always about work all the time, there are other important things also. And you can focus on business after marriage also, it will not stop you to work. I just want you to see happy and make you realize that there is also another life after work." He said to Avyansh while softening his eye.

" But... " As Avyansh tries to argue further, his father cut him off by saying in an authoritative voice.

" I have made the deal with Kapoor and I am not gonna take my words back. You will marry he daughter and that's final. Be ready at 6 tomorrow evening, we will be going to his house to see the girl and for your Roka Ceremony." 

His father declared his decision and left from there. Avyansh also went to office, because his father would not budge from his decision. So there is no point to argue further.

After reaching office, he indulged him in work just forget about the deal which his father made with the Kapoor's for the time being.

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