4. Shocked

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Mavika's Pov

Yesterday was so much fun. Papa spent his whole day with me. He also told me that Shekhawat's will be coming today for roka ceremony. I know it is happening too fast, but now I can't do anything. Papa is so sure about this arrangement. So he doesn't want to delay.

I am getting ready for the college like every other morning. "Admirin you" by KARAN AUJLA is being played by Alexa. We are Punjabi, so we can not stay a day without listening to Punjabi music.

They will be coming by 6 in the evening, so I decided to go to college and will be back by 4, because I only have 4 lectures today. And I also want to meet my best friend. After I have to tell her about what's happening in my life.

I go down and went to the dining room where my father, mother and brother were also present. I take my seat beside right side of the head chair, where my father is sitting.

"Good morning" I said while sitting.

"Good morning" papa replied while mother just nodded her head and Aarav is too busy in his phone that I doubt he even heard me.

"Be back home by time. I have selected your dress which you will be wearing in the evening. Behave properly in front of them. I want no mistake from your side today." my mother said a little strictly to me. I was just listening her and nodding my head like an obedient child while keeping my eyes down.

" Anandita, you can also make her understand this politely there is no need to be hard on her." papa said to my mom.

"Mavi you didn't need to listen to your mother, wear what you want to and behave how you usually does. There is no need to pretend. Just be the way you are and I know that they will surely gonna like you for being you." my father said to my softly. That's the reason I love him the most. He always tries to encourage for being the way I am and not the way how people expect me to be.

After finishing my breakfast, I quickly give a peck on my father's cheek and said "bye". Then I quickly ran off towards the main door.

I reached college and parked my car on my usual spot. Then I called Ani.

Mavika - Hello. Where are you?

Ani - I have class at 10, so I will come late.

Mavika - Meet in the canteen during the break. Need to tell you something important. Bye, I am getting late for the class.

Ani - sure, bye.

I hung up on her and go to my class. I take my seat on the last second bench, beside the window. I am lost in my thoughts, thinking about the man I am gonna marry. How he looks, how he talks, will he ever love and so many things were going on in my mind, when suddenly something hit on my forehead and I jolt straight up. I look down to see a piece of chalk lying in my lap.

"Miss Mavika, if your done with your day dreaming, so pay the attention in the class" Mr Murthy my professor says sternly.

"Sorry sir" I say and sit down again. This time I don't get lost in my thoughts and pay attention in the class.

It's the break time and waiting for my bestfriend to come. I saw her coming toward me while waving her hand and I wave back.

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