12. Falling

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Avyansh's POV

We are sitting in the car, driving to our home. All marriage rituals were so tiring, it almost morning now.

I look beside me where my wife is sitting, still sobbing and sniffing time to time. I don't know how to console someone as I have never done it before. But every time I hear her snif and look at her tear stricken face, something pierces in my heart. I can not see her crying, that's for sure.

I take out the handkerchief from my pocket and pass it to her. She look up at me and then at my hand with handkerchief and then again into my eyes. She looks at me blankly and doesn't make any move to take the handkerchief from my hand. I cup her chin with my left hand and wipe her cheeks and smudged kohl and mascara gently.

"stop crying now. That's enough, I will bring you to your parents whenever you want me to. Okay" I say ever so softly and she just blink her eyes looking so innocent. Even I can't believe myself that I can ever talk to someone as gently and politely as I did with her just now. I hold her hand in mine and keep it on my lap, while rubbing my thumb on her palm to provide her comfort.

I don't know what is happening with me, I am doing things for this woman which I never imagined myself doing for anyone. I felt guilty saying mean things to her on the day of our roka, the feeling which I never felt earlier for anyone. The way I talked to her now. The way I wiped her tears and held her hand just to comfort her and console her, are out of my character.

The car came to hold and I realize that we reached home. I look beside me and Mavika has slept during the ride. She is looking so innocent and beautiful while sleeping that I don't wanna wake her up, but unfortunately I have to, because Maa has to perform some rituals.

"Mavika" I her name softly while tucking her stray hair strand behind her ear and then gently caress her cheek with my thumb. She stirres in her sleep and her eyes flutter, slowly opening. She look at me with confused expression and I take my hand which was on her cheek.

"We are home, wait here" I say and open my side of the door to get down from the car. I go toward her side of the door quickly and open it for her. I pass my right hand to her to take it and she keeps her hand in mine, while getting out of the car. She left my hand to adjust her lehnga and dupatta and I instantly miss her touch on my hand. Her hand fits perfectly in mine and now it's feeling empty.

"Avyansh, Mavika chalo grah pravesh ki rasm karni hai" Maa says while holding a plate in which flowers, earthen lamp, and some other holy things are kept. Chachi placed the urn filled with rice on the entrance and Anaya keeps the plate filled with red liquid beside it.

We both made our way towards them and stand at the entrance as Maa rounds the plate in front of us, puts tilak and rice on our forehead and throws some flower petals on us.

"Mavika, ab iss kalash ko apne dahine pair se girao or ander aao" Mavika does as told. She gently kick the urn and steps inside, then she puts her both feet in the plate filled with red liquid and takes further steps inside while leaving her footprints on the floor.

Then first we go to the temple and take blessings from God. We are now sitting on floor in the living room to perform some post wedding rituals. Maa comes with a brass bowl filled with milk and keeps it in front of us.

"Mavika, beta give me your engagement ring" Maa says and Mavika gives the ring to her. She adds some cowrie shells, coins, turmeric, rose petals in the milk and then mixes it in the milk.

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