After spending the entire day cleaning the house, you promptly passed out on the couch in the living room. You weren't quite ready to sleep in your sister's room yet so you settled for the couch instead. You know you will have to get over it and sleep in her room once the others arrive though.
Once the sun rose you left to go buy the much needed groceries and other items you know the others wouldn't have such as bathing supplies. The trip admittedly took longer than you would've liked but apparently it's a lot harder shopping for more than just yourself especially when you don't know the other people's preferred meals. Well, the meals you could buy from a store at least.
Pulling into the driveway of the home after your long shopping trip, you're met with the sight of an unknown truck parked partially in the yard. You hesitate to exit your car but decide you should at least try to see who it is. So, with your heart thrumming rapidly in your chest and your palms sweating from nerves, you step out of the car as quietly as possible before moving to creep around the truck.
Getting closer to it, you're met with an unbelievable stench that instantly makes your nose scrunch up in disgust. You nearly gag but stepping around the front of the truck keeps you from doing so. Instead, your disgust is instantly replaced with relief and joy.
Standing on your front porch, Vincent and Bo along with their brother all turn once they notice your presence. It seemed they were chatting- mostly Bo and Lester- when you arrived and didn't hear the car pulling up. It probably didn't help that you parked a bit further away upon noticing the mystery truck.
Upon seeing the brothers, you smile and start to head towards them as they all step off of the porch. You're beyond relieved to see them alive and well despite the others telling you they were fine. Guess a part of you just needed to see it yourself to believe it.
"There she is." Bo surprisingly smiles as he reaches up to ruffle your hair, obviously not one for hugs despite how long it's been since you've last seen each other. Vincent patiently waits until his brother is done before gently patting the top of your head, carefully fixing the messy strands before stepping away in slight embarrassment.
After saying hello to the two, you turn your attention to the third man. "You must be Lester."
Said man smiles, obviously pleased that he's been mentioned before. "Yes ma'am!" He steps forward, completely ignoring the hand you held out as he pulls you into a tight bear hug instead. You try your best not to breathe in his scent, knowing that he likely smells just like the truck. "I've heard so much 'bout you! Feels like we've been friends forever already!"
After a few more moments he finally releases you. "Well, since you're all here would you like to help me bring in groceries? After that you can pick your room."
The three men follow after you as you lead the way to your car. By the time all of the bags are gathered, you stand completely empty handed while the Sinclair brothers each have multiple bags in each hand. You know there's no point in complaining so you simply lead the way back to the house, unlocking the door before showing them to the kitchen.
"How about you boys go shower while I put groceries away? I'm sure you've been on the road for a while and would like to clean up before finding a room." You hand a bag filled with different body washes and shampoos along with other miscellaneous supplies over to Lester. "Bathroom is down the hall on the left."
Lester says his thanks before heading off towards the bathroom, digging through the bag to see what all is in it. You wait until the door is shut behind him before releasing a sigh, thankful you can finally breathe normally. You feel a bit bad for reacting in such a way but the stench was just unbearable.
"Should've warned you 'bout that." Bo chuckles, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest. "Lester likes to clean up roadkill and has gotten a tad too used to the smell to realize it ain't pleasant to others."
"It's fine." You shrug, turning to help Vincent put the groceries as he was kind enough to offer help unlike Bo who simply watches. "I think I'll have to add no picking up dead things to the list of rules though."
"Rules?" Bo quirks a brow in curiosity.
Nodding, you take a moment to point where something goes to Vincent before explaining. "I have a few rules since all of you are going to be living with me. Nothing too crazy or anything. Mostly just privacy and safety things. I'll explain more once you three are settled down."
Bo remains silent after that, likely thinking what the rules could possibly be. It makes sense that there would be at least a few considering who it is you're sharing a house with. Can't exactly let a bunch of killers wander around freely without setting down boundaries.
You spent pretty much the entire drive to the house thinking of what rules to put in place, and wrote them down the second you were able to. While you love your boys very much despite their 'quirks', you know better than to just let them do whatever. Your rules are for your own safety and theirs. Hopefully they don't have any problems with them and are willing to comply with them in exchange for a safe place to live.

Love (Slashers X Reader)
FanfictionBOOK TWO- Female Reader Version After being fired from the Sanitarium, the slashers were determined to be with you again. Breaking out, they travelled for weeks until they finally found you. Wanting to be with them as well, you eagerly take them in...