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Ever since the day you invited Billy and Stu to join you all for dinner they've taken it upon themselves to randomly visit. The only person who doesn't have a problem with it is Danny since he's a fan of them and started his own killing because of them. He loves showing them the pictures he took with his victims which you're still unsure of where he got them from as you know they wouldn't have been at the Sanitarium.

Everyone else isn't too pleased with the additional company as it means they get less time with you. Since Billy and Stu don't live with you and are simply guests you feel bad if you don't spend time with them whenever they come over especially since it's such a long drive. You're at least glad that Danny is more than willing to hang out with them if you're too busy to do so.

Despite having to split your attention between two additional people, you still try your best to spend some one on one time with everyone whenever you can. You usually do the same thing every time with each person which gets a bit repetitive and boring so it's nice being able to go from person to person to do different things.

With Hannibal, you usually help him out in the kitchen. He seems to really enjoy teaching you how to cook and for some reason he always gets this certain look in his eyes whenever you're wearing an apron. He especially likes standing behind you with his arms wrapped around you so he can help guide the knife in order to 'teach' you how to properly use it.

Bo is someone who often prefers being alone but he doesn't seem to mind your company. There's not much you can do with him since he only ever works on the vehicles or watches TV while drinking beer but you usually just sit with him and enjoy his company in silence. When he works on the vehicles you'll even help him out by handing him whatever tool he needs.

Norman is still as shy as ever when it comes to being around you but he loves walking around the yard or even exploring different trails in the woods with you. More often than not those walks are spent in silence but every now and then he'll start a conversation with you about random things such as books.

Jason enjoys you simply being around him. You'll often sit on the back porch and watch him build his shack, signing compliments as you watch him work. Whenever the weather is too bad to be outside you'll both sit inside at the table and draw together. Your collection of pictures from him continues to grow and you know you'll need a new binder to keep them in soon.

Michael admittedly doesn't do much other than watch you. Every once in a while he'll make some masks with you but he seems to prefer simply watching you do whatever you want to. However, any time you go to sit and watch TV he has to pull you onto his lap for some reason, refusing to let you move to an empty seat.

Vincent enjoys teaching you how to sculpt wax. Now that he's not in the Sanitarium he can use actual proper tools and his carvings look a lot better. He's made a lot of little knick knacks for you and you've used some of them as decoration for the house while others are in your room. You can tell it makes him happy seeing you display his art.

Lester absolutely loves just talking to you. Doesn't matter what you're doing, if he's there then he's chatting your ear off. You don't mind it as he's actually kind of funny. He also tells you lots of stories about his brothers which lets you know more about them.

Brahms tends to drag you up into the attic where the two of you can have privacy. Sometimes he'll play the piano for you but other times he just puts on a record and lays his head in your lap allowing you to run your fingers through his curls. He's also gotten you to read him stories before bed every night and give him kisses on his porcelain forehead. You know he wants you to actually kiss his real forehead but he has yet to work up the nerve to take off his mask.

Danny of course will drag you all over the place so he can take pictures with and of you. Now that he has total freedom, he enjoys taking pretty intimate photos with you. In almost every photo with you his arms are wrapped around you or he's leaning his face dangerously close to your own. It always flusters you but he's hasn't actually kissed you yet. You're unsure if you want him to.

Thomas honestly doesn't really spend any time with you unless he's shadowing Bubba. You know he doesn't hate you anymore but you're not quite sure if he likes you either. You still don't really know a whole lot about him. Bubba on the other hand is absolutely thrilled whenever he gets to spend time with you. The two of you finally started a garden so whenever you two spend time together it's usually out there pulling weeds or planting seeds while Thomas watches over you both.

It's a lot of work splitting your time between everyone especially when you don't have a schedule to stick to anymore. You're no longer confined to only an hour once a week. Now you can hang out with them whenever you want. It may be a lot of work but you'd have it no other way. You love spending time with your boys and with each day that passes you get more and more used to living with them.

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