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Pulling up to the secluded mansion brings back a wave of nostalgia and memories. Your sister didn't own the place for very long but she still invited everyone over regularly for any and every reason. Holidays, birthdays, celebrations. Whatever she could think of she'd use as a reason to invite the family over.

It's makes you a bit sad knowing you'll be unable to do the same. Opening your home to your boys means that you're closing it to your family. You can't have them coming over when the place is being occupied by a bunch of killers. Your family wouldn't react well which would make your boys react negatively as well. It's not a situation you want to deal with so you'll just have to make sure your family doesn't figure out that you moved into the home yet.

It takes a moment for you to gather the courage to go inside. You haven't been inside since your sister was still alive so the place is still mostly untouched. Only your family entered after her death and that was solely to gather the things left to them in the will. Your brother told you it was pretty difficult for everyone but they reminisced with each other to make it a bit easier. You wish you could've been there for that but you couldn't bring yourself to visit the place yet.

Even now you're hesitant, hand frozen on the door handle that you've already unlocked. Just one push and you'll be stepping into a place filled with memories of your sister and family. You thought that after so many years you'd be ready but actually standing there makes you feel as if it was only just yesterday that she passed.

With your eyes squeezed shut you turn the knob and push the door open, stepping in before you could second guess yourself again. Once inside you slowly open your eyes, taking in the sight of the dusty entryway. The place certainly needs a good cleaning before the others get there.

Shutting the door you venture further in, glancing into the different rooms, silently taking note of what's missing and what isn't. It seems everyone took mostly small sentimental items rather than any furniture or larger items. A lot of the family photos are still hanging on the walls or sitting on tables with only a few missing.

Deciding you've had enough of just looking around you head upstairs, already knowing which room you're going to claim for yourself. When your sister was still alive she had the master bedroom with an attached bathroom. Not only will the room give you plenty of privacy from the others but you also don't really want anyone else invading her space or touching her things.

Her room looks practically untouched when you enter it. The sight instantly makes your heart clench in your chest as the sight makes it almost feel like she's still around. The only thing that really gives it away is the thin layer of dust covering everything. If she was still alive the place would be spotless and practically sparkling from her deep cleaning habits. Seeing everything dusty and dirty makes the reality of her being gone hit a bit harder.

You don't really want to touch anything or invade her space but you don't have much of a choice. While the house is quite large, there's barely enough rooms for everyone. The brothers will likely have to share just to make room. You'll probably also offer the attic to Brahms since his files mentioned he used to live in the walls and being in a separate little area like that might be more comfortable for him. Luckily your sister never put anything up there due to being strangely scared of attics. She always said something about her college days? Who knows.

Exiting the room after dropping off your packed bags, you begin your mission of cleaning the entire house before everyone else arrives. You're not sure how long it'll take for everyone to arrive so you'll have to use what time you have to get everything you can done.

Your main goal is to at least clean up all the dust, vacuum and sweep the floors, wipe down the furniture, and pack away any belongings you don't want touched such as pictures or valuables. Next on the list would be grocery shopping which will be a bit harder since you now have to shop for more than just yourself. Might as well kiss all of your savings goodbye now since you're the only one able to work to earn any money.

You didn't think this entire situation through very well but you couldn't pass up your one chance of being with your boys again. You'll do whatever it takes to stay with them, even if it means losing all of your money.

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