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You sigh as you exit the fourth building you've visited, crossing it off the long list you made the previous night. Your savings have been depleting rather quickly so you've decided it was time to try and find a new job. Unluckily, everywhere you've checked has either already hired someone to fill the open position or you're simply not what they're looking for. It's annoying but that's life.

Entering the fifth building on the list, you approach the receptionist desk with a gentle smile, hoping that despite your obvious tired eyes they'll at least give you a chance. The woman behind the desk smiles as y0u approach, perking up in her seat. "How may I help you today?"

"I saw a post online that you were hiring?" You answer, the words coming out with a questioning lilt despite it not being a question. Perhaps being rejected four times previously has made you unsure.

"Ah, yes!" The lady instantly turns to her computer, clicking a few times before turning her attention towards you. "If you have your resume, we can do an interview right away."

"Really?" This shocks you as most places schedule interviews after a few days, giving them time to check out other candidates that are also interested in the job.

"We are very desperate to fill the position." There's a certain gleam in her eye that you fail to catch. "If you'll just follow me then I can lead you to the managers office."

She leads you to an elevator that takes you up to the seventh floor. Exiting, the two of you walk past many cubicles before approaching a door at the other end of the room. She knocks twice before entering, saying a few words to the person inside before holding the door open so you can enter. With a whispered 'good luck', she parts ways, heading back downstairs to her desk.

"You're here for the available job position?" The manager questions, his aged face looking a bit relieved to see you. When you confirm, he motions for you to sit down before asking for your resume. His eyes scan over it quickly, noting your education and previous jobs along with your skills. "When can you start?"

"As soon as you need me." You respond, a bit too eager as they're the first company to actually give you the time of day, plus you really need the money.

"Perfect. You can come in tomorrow around eight in the morning for training. One of the other workers will be waiting for you." He pulls out a drawer in his desk, placing your resume within. "I look forward to working with you."

You stand up, shaking his hand as you smile brightly. "And I you, sir."

The entire drive home you're buzzing with excitement. You really weren't expecting to get a job on your very first day of job hunting but you're glad you did. During your research for the available position, the job you got pays pretty well. A lot more than the previous four jobs that rejected you. And even though it's odd how eagerly they hired you, you don't question it due to being too excited to care.

"How'd it go?" Danny questions the second you walk through the front door, him resting on the couch as he eats some chips and watches a scary movie.

"I got a job!"

The bag of chips is instantly dropped onto the couch cushion as Danny stands up, rushing over to you as he swoops you up into a tight hug. "That's my girl! I knew you could do it, doll."

You melt into his arms, hugging him as you bury your face in the crook of his neck. "I start tomorrow morning. Hopefully the schedule isn't too bad. I would hate to be away from everyone all the time."

"I'm sure we'll figure something out if it is." Danny reassures you despite hating the idea himself. He doesn't want to be apart from you at all, honestly. The idea of you going out and leaving everyday leaves a sour taste in his mouth. Yet he knows there's nothing he can do about it. If him and the others want to live a decent life with you, then they'll need an income. Asides from the two other Ghost Faces who were never caught and the roadkill collector, you're the only other person capable of getting a job. It's unfortunate but it's how things are for now.

"Did she get the job?" Hannibal questions as he enters the room wearing his usual apron, likely having paused in the middle of making dinner.

You pull away from Danny to look at Hannibal, your cheeks flushing with heat as you remember what happened the last time the two of you were alone together. Picturing it again leaves your heart racing, and you can't help but to advert your eyes out of embarrassment. Thankfully, Danny answers for you, confirming that you indeed managed to get a job.

"That's good." Hannibal smiles softly, taking in the sight of your obvious embarrassment, already knowing what's going through your mind. "Perhaps I shall reward you later, hm?"

Your eyes widen as you look towards Hannibal before looking away. Quickly dismissing yourself, you rush up the stairs to your room, needing a moment away from the man. He simply chuckles, leaving Danny confused as he looks towards the stairs with a narrowed gaze. Danny doesn't know what happened between the two of you but he has a pretty good idea.

And he'll be damned if he lets the cannibal get ahead of him.


Extremely short chapter, sorry! I realized that I haven't updated in a really long time so I kind of just sped through this so I could post something. Sorry if it isn't very good.


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