The second you exit the house, you go around the side and head to the back, trying your best to avoid being seen by any of the others. Once you see that the coast is clear, you make a beeline towards the tree line where you try to remember the exact route your sister took in your nightmare. It's harder than expected as you quickly grow lost, every tree and bush looking the exact same.
Every now and then you pause, thinking back to your dream as you try to picture the route in your mind. More than once you have to retrace your steps and start over, but you refuse to give up until you find exactly where she passed. You have no real plan on what you're doing, all you know is that you have to see if the spot actually exists in real life, and if it does then you have some questions for Freddy. If he is in fact correct about the place of your sisters death, then you need to know how he knew.
So far nothing in particular has looked similar to the dream in any way. It's just trees, bushes, and rocks surrounding you, none of them sticking out in an obvious way. You also have yet to find the small clearing where your sister confronted you, and as more time passes you're starting to doubt it's existence.
You continue to trek through the woods, pushing branches and bushes out of your way, huffing in annoyance every now and then when random sharp branches prick your skin. It feels as if hours have passed by but from the still bright sun shining high in the sky you know that it probably hasn't even been an hour yet. All you know for sure is that you're slowly starting to regret going on this trip without any planning or thinking it through.
You should've brought a knife or even some string so you could mark which way you've been already. At least then you wouldn't be as lost as you are now, and you'd have a far greater chance of actually finding what you're looking for. The longer you wander around lost, the more you think about your sister being in this exact same situation all those years ago.
After another hour or so you finally stumble across something new. Passing into a small clearing, you're shocked to find boards of wood with rusted nails in them, laying alongside some tracks that lead into what appears to be a mine. Confused and curious, you creep a bit closer to get a better look, making sure to be careful not to step on the rusted nails. In all the time your sister lived in her home, you never once heard about a mine being nearby.
The mine gives off an eerie feeling and you can't help the shiver that runs down your spine. As you get closer, you notice that the boards littering the ground came from the entrance, seemingly ripped off as they had been there to keep trespassers out. You can only assume that some rowdy adventurous teenagers chose to break into the place to explore, likely filming themselves to post it on the internet.
Reaching the entrance, you peak inside only to start coughing as you're met with dust blowing into your face, a strange breeze coming from inside the mine. Closing your eyes to keep from getting dust in them, you swipe your hand in front of your face in attempts to clear the dust from around you. After a few seconds it feels a bit easier to breathe so you lower your hand and open your eyes.
And you're lucky you did.
Just moments after opening your eyes, you see the slight glint of the sun reflecting off of something within the darkness of the mine. You try to squint to see if you can tell what it is but fail to do so. It isn't until the glint suddenly comes closer to you that you realize that it's a pickaxe. What's even worse is that it's in the hands of a strangely dressed man, and the pickaxe is coming closer because he's swinging it at you.
Startled, you let out a yelp as you stumble backwards, barely avoiding the devastating blow. The man steps out of the mine, following after you. As the sun fully reveals him, you take note of his mining mask and outfit, realizing that he's more than likely a miner that used to work in the mine who now protects it, much like Jason used to protect the camp his mother worked at.
Noticing that the miner is still approaching, you quickly stand and turn to run, pushing off of trees as you struggle to get your balance from being startled. The man stays hot on your trail as you run and no matter how many twists or turns you take you fail to put any distance between the two of you. It feels as if he's just getting closer and closer, and with each swing of his pickaxe you swear you can feel the air of it swooshing past your head.
Your heart thuds rapidly in your chest as you try desperately to remember the way back home. You greatly regret telling Hannibal not to tell the others that were leaving the house, knowing it's likely what will cause your death. Hannibal had promised not to tell, but at this point you pray that he betrayed you and informed everyone. If you can't find your way, your only hope is one of them finding you before the miner catches you.
Tumbling through the woods, you cry out for help, figuring that your voice will carry far enough for at least one person to hear. You're unsure if they'll know it's you screaming for help considering Hannibal is the only one who knew of your departure but you have faith that they'd be able to recognize your voice, or at the very least come to the conclusion that it's you since nobody else ever ventures into the woods.
As you run from the miner, you suddenly get a sense of deja vu. It's sudden and confusing as you know you've never experienced this situation before. Each cry for help suddenly sounds different, and your vision seems lower than usual. It's almost as if you're a completely different person in this moment.
Your fear keeps you from thinking clearly, and you shake the deja vu off as being a reaction to the immense distress you're feeling. The only thought on your mind is escaping the man trying to kill you. This situation feels infinitely more terrifying than when you first encountered Freddy when he was pretending to be Chris in your nightmare. Perhaps it's because you're not dreaming, or maybe it's because you know that help is actually reachable this time yet you're stuck lost in the woods with no sense of direction.
"Please! Somebody!" You sob, the voice in your ears sounding so familiar yet so strange as you know it's not your own.
You trip on an exposed root, the sudden jolt allowing you to just barely dodge yet another swing of the pickaxe as it goes flying past where your head once was. You hear a loud 'thunk' followed by some grunting, and as you stand up and balance yourself you take the chance to glance back at the miner. His pickaxe is wedged in a tree and it seems he's struggling to tug it free so you take this as your chance to put distance between the two of you.
Unfortunately, he frees it much sooner than you would've liked and is soon right on your tail once again. At this point your cries have turned silent, your throat burning from screaming so much. Tears blur your vision which makes it even more difficult to navigate the difficult terrain of the woods, and you find yourself tripping and stumbling into trees much more often.
After what feels like hours you finally make it to a clearing. The torn, dirty police tape barely registers in your mind as you tiredly move into the clearing. Your breath comes out in heavy pants and you want nothing more than to collapse into a heap. And it seems almost as if your body forces you to obey that wish as you suddenly find yourself on your back, staring up at the miner looming over you.
As you stare up at the intimidating mask, your vision seems to swirl and flicker. It's as if it's swapping between two different people's views of the same thing. There's a few difference's between both visions, and it takes longer than you'd like to admit to realize what's going on.
As the miner lifts his pickaxe, ready to finally strike you after trying for so long, you realize that this situation is the exact same that your sister went through all those years ago. Your vision flickering between two different views is simply you watching the same thing that's happening to you happen to you sister.
Just as his pickaxe swings down, you come to the daunting realization that you're about to die to the very same person that killed your sister, in the exact same place, in the exact same way.

Love (Slashers X Reader)
FanfictionBOOK TWO- Female Reader Version After being fired from the Sanitarium, the slashers were determined to be with you again. Breaking out, they travelled for weeks until they finally found you. Wanting to be with them as well, you eagerly take them in...