Pulling up to the house fills you with nerves, your nails digging into your palms as you stare at the house with dread. Stu's hand still rests on your thigh where he occasionally gives reassuring squeezes as if able to tell what you're thinking about. You mentally thank him, glad that he's there with you. You're sure that things would be worse if you returned home alone- if you even returned that is. You were very close to dying just a few moments ago after all.
The second the car is in park the front door is swung open so aggressively that it bangs loudly against the house and you almost think it will fall off of it's hinges. Storming out of the house is Michael and the fact that you can't see his face due to his mask leaves your nerves growing even more. You know he's upset but with how hard he swung open the door you believe he's closer to being livid.
The masked killer marches up to the car, and as he pulls the door open you quickly apologize. He only grunts as he reaches into the car to yank you out of it, barely giving you time to say anything more as he throws you over his shoulder, his hand holding a tight grip on you. At this point you can do nothing more than accept your fate as you know apologizing will make no difference.
Michael carries you into the house where the others are, all of them quickly following after him once noticing you hanging over his shoulder. Some of the more vocal ones question him, wondering why he's carrying you in such a way and how he even got you as most of them thought you were still hiding away in your room. It seems Hannibal kept his promise not to tell them.
"Michael." Hannibal calls out to him from the kitchen. "Please bring her in here and set her down so we can talk with her."
As Michael's grip tightens even further, likely bruising your skin, you believe he won't listen to him for a moment before he walks into the kitchen and sets you down with surprising care. You shuffle awkwardly for a moment, staring down at the ground in embarrassment as the others slowly file into the kitchen to see what's going on. In the other room you can hear Billy and Stu entering the house, stumbling quite loudly and cursing as they attempt to carry the still unconscious man into the living room.
"What the hell is going on?" Bo questions, also noticing them carrying a strange man into the house. "Where the hell did you go?"
"I'm sorry." You start off by apologizing, genuinely feeling bad for everything that's happened within the past couple of days. As Stu enters the room, you finally look up, feeling even worse when you see his bruised and bloody face. Before explaining everything to the others you pull Stu further into the kitchen and have him sit down so you can cleanse his injuries since he got them protecting you. It also gives you a reason not to look at everyone else, not wanting to see their reactions as you tell them what's been going on.
Stu hisses as you press a wet cloth to a cut on his forehead and you quietly apologize once again before sighing, preparing yourself for the long conversation you know is about to happen. "I had another nightmare with Freddy a few days ago."
"Why didn't you say anything?" Danny questions, a little upset that you didn't come to them like you usually do.
"This nightmare was different from the usual ones." You hesitate for a moment, your eyes turning a bit glossy as you think back to the nightmare. You never really mentioned your sister to the others except for telling them that the house used to be hers. This will be the first time in a long time you tell anyone about what happened.
"He showed me my sister. A long time ago she was killed, and I never really knew what happened to her. I always blamed myself for her death since she died on a day that I was supposed to visit her. I cancelled on her due to a sudden college assignment, and the next day I received news of her death. I blamed myself, thinking that if I hadn't of cancelled she never would've been in the situation that led to her death."
The others remain silent, knowing that this must be difficult for you to talk about.
"During the nightmare, Freddy showed up as per usual. But then my sister was there, and when she ran into the woods I followed after her. It was a long confusing chase that led all the way to the place where she was killed. He... He showed me what she looked like when she died. I knew how she died but seeing it in person was completely different. She was completely unrecognizable."
You clear your throat, struggling to keep from crying as you remember how disturbing and vivid the dream had been. It was almost like you were there in person, transported back to the day that she died, forced to be the one to find her body before anyone else.
"I knew it wasn't really her, but she started blaming me for her death, playing on the thoughts I always had. She kept taunting me until I snapped, and I yelled at Freddy telling him to stop putting words that she would never say into her mouth. He tried to attack me again and that's when I woke up to my alarm. When I woke up, I just kept thinking about it. I... I truly wished that he had succeeded in killing me this time so I could see her again."
The others remain silent as you finally let your tears flow, relieved to have finally told someone about everything you've been suffering with since her death.
Sorry it took so long for me to post another update. I've been sick for the past two weeks and just didn't really feel like trying to write a chapter for this. I knew what I wanted to write and I felt that if I tried writing it while I wasn't feeling well that it wouldn't really turn out the way I wanted it to. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Love (Slashers X Reader)
FanfictionBOOK TWO- Female Reader Version After being fired from the Sanitarium, the slashers were determined to be with you again. Breaking out, they travelled for weeks until they finally found you. Wanting to be with them as well, you eagerly take them in...