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After your bags are packed with your most important items you head outside and drop them off next to your car. Danny informed you that everyone was hiding across the street and told you to head over there without drawing attention. It should be easy since your neighbors are all usually asleep or gone during the night.

You double check that there aren't any cars coming or random people out and about before rushing across the street. The area is dark so it's difficult to see where you're going. You try your best to make out any shapes in the shadows as you walk but fail to spot anything. You know you shouldn't call out to them either as it could draw unwanted attention.

Thankfully, you feel someone grabbing your hand just as you're walking past a tall bush. Under any other circumstance you likely would've screamed or thrashed but you know that it's one of your boys. As you're tugged behind the bush you're able to faintly see everyone now that you're closer to them all. You can also see that it was Danny who had grabbed you.

You quietly thank Danny before turning towards the group. The first person you make eye contact with is Hannibal who is smiling softly at you. "Hello again, dear."

Unable to help yourself you pull him into a hug, glad that he made it out of the Sanitarium safely. "I've missed you."

Hannibal chuckles before releasing you from the hug, nodding his head towards the others so you may say hello to all of them as well. The first person you approach is Brahms who very quickly sweeps you up into his arms as he presses his ceramic lips to your forehead. He holds you for quite some time until you finally force him to release you.

You're a bit more hesitant with Norman after your last interaction with Norma but upon seeing his shy smile you can't help but to hug him as well. His body is stiff in your hold but you don't mind knowing he's likely never really been hugged by anyone other than his mother.

Turning to Bubba, you barely get a chance to say anything before you're crushed into a bearhug by the squealy man. He rocks your body back and forth as he excitedly grunts and whines and you can only assume he's telling you how much he missed you. You return the sentiment before pulling away.

Last but not least is Thomas. The poor man is staring at the ground, obviously not expecting you to acknowledge him at all. It breaks your heart knowing you were right in assuming that he probably thought you hated him,

"Thomas." You approach him, slowly wrapping your arms around him so he can pull away if he chooses to. Instead, he stands completely still, not moving at all until your next words. "Thank you for saving me that day. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to be able to tell you."

As the last word leaves your mouth his arms wrap around you, gently hugging you as if scared he'd break you. This hug lasts a bit longer than all of the others as you know that he likely needs it the most. The last time he saw you was pretty traumatic after all.

Once you're finally done greeting and hugging everyone you turn to the group. "Where are the others?"

"Bo and Vincent went to get their other brother. Apparently it's been a long time since they've seen him and they want to bring him along so they don't have to be separated any longer." Danny explains with a nonchalant shrug.

"And Jason?"

It's Hannibal who answers this time. "Jason has returned to Camp Crystal Lake in order to check it's condition and to find his mother. He claimed that he would return when able to."

"Do you have a way to tell them where we'll be? I'm not sure if Danny informed all of you but I have a pretty secluded home a few hours away from here."

"We managed to obtain some burner phones. I informed them that I would send them an address once I had one."

You nod in understanding. "Well, it's pretty far away so it'll likely take some time for you all to get there. Unfortunately I don't think I can take any of you with me in my car as there will likely be stops along the way. The best I can do is give you the address and hope you manage to make it safely."

"You needn't worry about us, dear." Hannibal waves off your concerns. "If we made it here without problem then I am certain we can make it there as well."

After you give Hannibal the address and his reassurance that they'll make it safely you say your goodbyes before heading back to your car. There's a lot of things you'll need to do before they get there so getting there as soon as possible is important. It's been a long time since anyone has inhabited the home so it'll definitely need cleaned. You'll also need to get groceries as well.

A part of you is excited to live with your boys. Another part is nervous. There's so many factors to take into consideration about each of them. Hopefully everything works out alright.

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