Chapter nine

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Lottie and Nat walked into the house, music playing, people talking, they shuffled through the corridor, Lottie leading Nat, their fingers still interlaced. They arrived to the living room, and for the third time today, everyone stopped and looked at them, now unfazed, Lottie and Nat carried on walking through the living room and arrived to middle of the room in-front of the couch where the rest of the team where.
"Hey guys" said Lottie
A collection of greetings came from the girls
"It's good to see you here Nat" said Jackie
"Yeah" Nat replied awkwardly
"Sit" said Shauna patting the space on the couch next to her and jackie. Nat sat down first then Lottie sat down next to her, shuffling around so her legs were on top of Nat's, Nat followed by putting her arm around Lottie. It made her blush, she was weirdly nervous yet excited, it was just a lot. Lottie leaned into Nat, relaxing a bit, trying to slow her heartbeat down so Nat couldn't hear it. Everyone was talking in there own separate conversations when Jackie got up and asked if anyone wanted a drink. Nat and Lottie said yes and a few minutes later they were both handed a beer. Lottie didn't drink a lot of beer, normally she stuck to champagne and more formal alcohol, but this was a party after all.
"Thanks for agreeing to come Nat" Lottie said
"Just doing my girlfriendly duties" she replied
They both laughed, Lottie looked over to Jackie to ask about the bio homework but she was busy talking to Shauna. Lottie looked around and everyone seemed to be talking so Lottie asked Nat if she wanted to look around and Nat agreed. She wished she could just sit with Nat forever but she didn't want it to get awkward.

Nat and Lottie got up and Lottie re-took Nat's hand before they started walking further into the house. They walked through a corridor leading to a kitchen, the counters were covered in bottles of alcohol, mostly beer, then they carried on out to the garden, where Nat pulled out a packet of cigarettes and offered one to Lottie that she took. It reminded Nat of their study session and made her all warm thinking about it.
Just then get thoughts we're interrupted by this guy who started walking towards them.
"Nat, I know that guy he's hit on me before" Lottie said pointing at him discreetly.
Nat pulled her hand around Lottie's waist and Lottie put her arm around Nat's shoulders, but he carried on towards them. It wasn't enough, Lottie looked at the guy then back at Nat. Nat took a Deep breath in and then turned so she was facing Lottie, she stood up on her tip toes so her face was level with Lottie's.

The guy was still walking towards them. She didn't know what to do. Nat turned to face lottie and stood on her tip toes so Nat was at face level, she looked really good.  Lottie looked left and the guy was only a couple of feet in-front of them, they needed to do something.
"Can I kiss you?" Nat whispered. Lottie was really happy with that suggestion, not because she wanted to kiss Nat, well maybe a little bit, but mostly so she wouldn't have to talk to this guy.
Lottie nodded and Nat bought her face towards Lottie's, time stopped, Nat was actually going to kiss her. Lottie leaned in and Nat gently placed her lips onto Lottie's, pulling her into a kiss. In that moment, Lottie didn't care about anything else apart from Nat.

What the fuck, she couldn't believe she was actually kissing Lottie. Nat opened her eyes and looked over to the guy who has stopped in his tracks, but not turned away.
She pulled Lottie's hand around her hips and moves her own hands off of Lottie's shoulders and onto her face, softly placing a hand on Lottie's cheek and putting her other hand on Lottie's neck, tracing her jaw with her thumb.
Nat couldn't believe what was happening, she was kissing one of the prettiest and most popular girls in the whole school. No, this was an act, Lottie didn't really want to kiss her. It was fake

Lottie had so many butterflies, her heart was beating so fast and she hoped this moment would last forever. Lottie didn't care what the guy decided to do, she just knew she wanted to keep kissing Nat, and so she sat there, in the middle of Jackie Taylor's garden, making out with Natalie Scatorccio.
Just then Jackie and Shauna walk out to the garden and see Lottie's back, they start walking towards her.
"Lottie" shouted Jackie, but Lottie didn't hear her. Jackie took Shauna's hand and turned around a bit to check if it was Lottie.
"Awwwww" Jackie says
"What's it it? Asked Shauna
Jackie points at Lottie and Nat
Shauna laughs,
"Called it"
Lottie's phone buzzed and Nat pulled away.
They both blush
"It's Shauna, the team are playing a game" lottie said still flustered
"Ok" Nat nervously replied.
They started heading back to the living room
"Thanks for getting rid of him"
"Your welcome, Matthews"
Heading back to the living room Lottie tries not to focus on what just happened. It was great but it was just so a guy would leave her alone. She definitely did not like Nat, I mean even if she did Nat wouldn't like her back.

Nat couldn't believe what just happened, she felt so warm inside, but it wasn't real, it was fake and that was all it would even be, it made Nat disappointed thinking about it, she wished the kiss was real so badly, but it wasn't so she tried to avoid the thought.
The two girls hurried in back the the house and went back the way they came, resuming their spot on the couch, Lottie putting her legs back over Nat's, and Nat this time placing her hand on Lottie's thy.
"Ok everyone, let's play...

Notes: hope you liked this chapter, I love watching as the plot continue!

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