Last full day of camp/ fun and teasing in bed

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Geogias pov
Todays our last full day on camp before going back to our clubs, im definitely going to miss Ella. I decide to join her in bed, taking my clothes off. She wakes up, and says " oh g what did I do to deserve this". I say " you done evreything to deserve this now clothes off ells, we have until lunch together and I want to make the most of it, I've ordered room service for breakfast it's coming in a few hours". She takes her clothes off and kises me all over my body apart from my lips. She's verry good at teasing but two can play at that game. I start kiisning her soft spot and she throws her head back in pleasure and I say "karmas a bitch tooney". She says " fair play, g I done it to you". I kisss her she starts playing with my hair and I say " I wish we could stay like this forever". Ella says we can stay like this for however long we want to, go into the bathroom I'll chuck my pjs in and get the room service". I do  as she says while gigleing, She gets a gret view of as I do.Ella says " you can come out now". She's laying on her bed naked. I join her and we have a delicous breakfast. I decide to have a bath and Ella joins me I look at her at her and say " I know this might be scary but I don't care ,I'm starting to fall for you, it's how I fell , I don't expect you to say it back". She kisses me and say " 8m starting to fallFor you too, I was a bit scared to say it , I really like you g and I like the way this is going ". We get out the bath and get dressed, I kiss Ella and say " I'm done hiding, they know anayway , come on, let's go". I take her hand and lead her to lunch and she sits  next to me . Leah and Keira ask to speak to me. After lunch the three of us go for a walk and Leah says " so what is going on between you two". I say " we really like eachother and we're going on a date when she visits me in Munich". They both hug me and Keira says " we knew it, we're so proud of you g".

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone unfinished businessWhere stories live. Discover now