Geogias last season at bayern

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Geogias pov
Today I'm announcing it's my last season at Bayern I'm being announced as a United player after the season finishes. I fell some arms wrap around me, I smile knowing they belong to my beutiful girlfirend. I kiss her and say " babe thank you so much for coming , I really appreciate it, it won't belong until,we don't have to hide our relationship,I promise". She kisses me and says " it's fine, g it's new for both of us, of corse I came you neeeded my support today more than ever, I know it's scary but I'm here for you ". I look,at her and say " I want you to be in the video with me, I wouldn't have been able to make a decision like this without you're support". She kisses me and says " okay we might get some comments , but we can just ignore them, being there for you today is more important ". I we shower and get dressed, I drive us to the training ground and shake the mangers hand, I say " Alexander this is Ella". He shakes her hand and says " Ella geogia has told me so,much about you,all great things, thank you for being there for her and making,her transfer to United so easy".

Ella's pov
I say " thank you Alexander, geogia is an incredible person and I'm just trying,my best to be there for her and support her , I know she's probably told you about us, I'd like to thank you for sorting out the vip,box". He says " it's okay, I know my pl1yers have personal lives and they can like like who they want to ,as soon as geogia mentioned the vip box I knew it w1s a date and,I knew I had to make it happen". We film the video and the interviewer says" now Ella is sat behined you ,I think she should sit next to,you for this question ,how supportive has Ella been of your decision to leave Bayern". I sit next to her and g looks at me and says " so,supportive,,I wouldn't have been able to make a decision,like,it without her,,Ella you are an incredible person and I'm,so proud to call you one of my best friends". The video finishes , we get back to the apartment, i kiss g and she kisses back we fall back on the sofa and stay there for a few hours.

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone unfinished businessWhere stories live. Discover now