Olympics quater final

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Geogias pov
Today we're playing Spain,the winner plays Australia won ealier against france, evreyone has played minuets at this tournament, the Scotish girls y there fine with Serena picking engl1nd players to start because they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us. Ella joins me in bed, kisses me and says " babe it's going to be fine just relax, we've beaten them before and we can again, and I swear if salma does what she done last time then she'll have me to deal with and it won't be a preety sight". I kiss her and say " babe you've got to keep a Coll head, if it hapens ag1in which it shouldn't then you will deal with it, the way I tell you to I know it's going to hard but we can't loose your Coll,we need you for the semi final and final". We get to the stadium sarena comes in and says " girls this is your time take it, I know it's going to be hard but I believe you can do this and I believe yo7 all have the talent, you wouldn't be here if I didn't, just enjoy yourselfs".

Ella's pov
Starting 11
Mary earps
Ezme Morgan
Leah wiliamson (c)
Maya le tisier
Ni1mh Charles
Ge9gia Stanway
Keira Walsh
Ella toone
Beth mead
Alessia Russo
Lauren hemp

We kickoff, it's a verry good game, im really enjoying it, salma is stil, trying to hack geogia out, she needs to grow up. W3 get a corner and salma complains she gets a yellow card for disent . It's 2-2 at full time, it's been a frustrating game, salma pushes geogia to the ground.i run over tog and say " are you okay ", she nods, I help her back up and salma gets a secound yellow for it, she can't complain. It's gone to pens , we drew 3-3. Sarena says " girls I'm so proud of you, The penelty takers will be in this order ,Stanway,toone, Russo, Charles, Kelly, Hansen,cuthburt, Carter, wiliamson,Morgan earps ". We take first g scores hers and aitana scores hers, i score mine and Mary saves the next two Spanish peneltys. Niamh missed hers but Chloe can still put us through and she does, she always wins us the shootouts, im just glad we won. Aitana hugs me and says " I'm sorry about salma she needs to let it go you won't fair and square, pass on,my apologies to Georgia ". I say " thanks Aitana I will do".

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone unfinished businessWhere stories live. Discover now