Ariving at st geoges for a short training camp before traveling to france

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Geogias pov
Today we're going to St. George's for a training camp before we go to france. I'm sharing transport with Ella . Less is gonig on her own, we did Ofer her the chance to come with us but she insisted on making her own way there. We get to St. George's and Serena hugs us. Later we're all here and Serena says " ladies welcome, it's time to get to business,our job is to win and become Olympic champions and the roommates will be as follows meado,& lessi , Keira and Leah, Ella and geogia, Katie and maya hempo and Chloe Kelly, gk union and the rest of you can choose who you want to to room with, training starts the day after Tomorow so if you want a party I'd have it tonight ". We've already 1greed to have a party tonight, with lotte,ezme, less,Leah, Keira,Katie,maya and meado others are welcome to join us. The only othe person that joins us is Serena , she wanted to so we let her. It's a night full of booze and gales. The morning of the first training session, Ella still isint up,that's a shock, I kiss her head and get in the shower, a few minuets later she joins me.

Ella's pov
I kiss g and she kisses back I pick her up and we wash each-other. We get into our training gear and go on to the training pitches. We have quite a heavy training season, im fine with it but I can see less not enjoying it, she's out of sorts. I look are her and say " period", she nods. I explain to James and sarina and James take her to his room. G stays well done babe, very observant". I fell a twinge in my leg as I'm runing, Sarena looks at me and says " sit it out, good job today I'll get you a first aider". That's why she is the b3st coach innthe world she understands us and has sympathy and empathy for us. Gegia comes to me afte pr the training session and says " come on, I'll c@ry my princess to her room". I laugh and say " babe it's not that bad". She says " I don't care, I'm still carrying you into our room, you need to rest the leg as much as possible ", she caries me onto our room and dosent leave my side for the rest of the day. Some people might find it anoying but I found it cute,she was so worried about me.

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone unfinished businessWhere stories live. Discover now