Champions league final/ quadruple for Ella and united

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Geogias pov
I wake up with Ella just dashing into the distance, I wrap my arms around her and say " babe I'm so proud of you, what you and the team have done this year has been incredible, you've won the conti cup,fa,cup, wsl,,relived your brand,benn a vital part of our success with the lioneses and today you're playing Barca in the champions league final". I know you must be nervous but please know no matter what happens today even if you loose, I'll be so proud of you and you've won my hear, and it will now always and forever belong to you". She kisses me and says " thank you so much babe , I'm just so nervous today, yes we're playing in the champions league final against Lyon but what if we loose". I kiss her and say " babe just enjoy the occasion, there will be other champions league finals I'm sure of it, buying Ellie and ezme 8n January was genius from Jill, I know,ezme can pla6nanywhere in defence she's probably you're most versatile player". We shower and get dressed I go into the stadium and take mynseat with both,our familes a,d Leah,jordan,Lucy and Kiera. Ella's dad says " if they win go to her first ,go on the pitch you're technicly now a United player".

Ella's pov
Starting x1
Bonmati, Ladd
Toone (C)
Mead, Russo, miyasawa

We're in the tunnel about to walk out i don't think I've ever been so nervous , less looks at me and whisp3rs, " just imagine what g would say to you know". We walk out and kick off, it's a verry close game but I think we're on top,we're creating the better chances, just before half time, I see a shooting opertunity from 35 yards out and shoot, it goes into the top left hand corner of the net, the girls go mental. I see g and she mouths " I love you". I mouth back " I love you more. The secound half kicks off and Lyon really put us under pressure trying to score but they can't, it just seems like no matter what they do they just can't score. It's in the last minuite I pass the ball to less who scores x3ve won it now. The final,whistle goes and I go to the stand where my family are, I hug them, I can't see geogia anywhere. I turn around and she has a u iced shirt,on and is talking and celebrating with the girls. She opens her al4s out I run into them,she kisses me and says " I told you babe, I'm,so proud of you now go and lift that trophy". I lift it up and it's just an incredible night.

Geogia Stanway and Ella toone unfinished businessWhere stories live. Discover now