Chapter 1

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"Rosalie, Irina is in trouble.We need help!!You have to summon her."Tanya hissed in Rosalie's ear as the pair along with a group of vampires were training in a clearing next to the Cullen's had been a week since Edward and his mate traveled to Denali to explain that Irina had seen their half breed child and ran to the Volturi claiming the creation of an immortal child.Once the coven got over their shock of the child's lineage and Irina's impulsiveness they had traveled to Forks to take a stand as witnesses when the Volturi came to confront the that time other covens of vampires and nomads had shown up as well but Tanya knew they had little hope of saving not only themselves but Irina as well.That's why they needed Rosalie to ask for help.

"She will be pissed if I wake her up."Rosalie said as she stroked the tattoo depicting a red and orange dragon curled up sleeping on her forearm.

"Bella will be more pissed if you don't wake her up and you die."Tanya argued.

"You're being dramatic."Rosalie didn't want to bother Bella if they didn't have to.

"I'm being dramatic!!"Tanya tempered the volume of her voice when she noticed the others looking at her."Irina is going to die and there is nothing we can do about it.Even if the Volturi listen to us and we are pardoned Irina still made a false the vampire world that equals death."

"How is Bella going to save Irina from a death sentence?"Rosalie asked.

Tanya threw her hands up in frustration."Are you being serious right now?"

"Yes I'm being serious.I don't want Bella to think that I'm constantly in danger and can't take of will cause her to worry and I don't want to be the cause of her stress.She already had to take care of the Victoria newborn army problem."Not that the Cullens knew that Rosalie had contacted Bella and her mate had taken care of the problem for them.

"Do you want me to beg?Is that what this is about?"Tanya didn't want to have to but Bella was the only chance she had to save her sister.

Rosalie shook her head."No, I don't want you to beg.I just don't see what the point of waking her up is."

"With her connection to the Volturi she can sway them to let Irina know the queens would do anything for her."Tanya really needed Rosalie's help because she was the only one able to get in touch with Bella.

"She wouldn't want to be forced to be around this many know how antisocial she is."Rosalie knew that Bella wouldn't be pleased if she was woken up because Rosalie was in danger and then had to be around a group of strangers.

"Can't you just ask her to go to the castle and meet with the queens to stop this from happening?"Tanya asked.

"I don't think it will help.The Volturi have made their intensions known.If they changed their minds it would make them look bad."Rosalie knew that the Volturi would come, it didn't matter who pleaded with them not to.

"Which proves my point that we need Bella."Tanya said.

"I have kept her away from my family for a reason."Rosalie told her.

"I know and I respect that.I also respect Bella.That is why I have never spoken about her to anyone else not even my sisters."Tanya would also never say anything because Bella caused her uncontrollable fear anytime she was around the was only because of Rosalie that Bella was nice enough to shield her mind from influence making it so Edward could not hear her thoughts.Something that she took great pleasure lording over the boy.

"If I summon her you will have to help me run interference because you know how people react to her."In Bella's presence it wasn't unheard of for someone to challenge her to a fight because of the powerful and extremely dangerous aura that wraped itself around her."That includes our easily excitable family members."

"I promise I will keep Kate and Eleazar away from her and run interference if anyone tries to approach her."Tanya would be a hard thing to do because Tanya knew without a doubt that most if not all of the vampires and shifters involved would want to at least talk to Bella.Stopping Eleazar from wanting to study her and Kate from wanting to fight her was going to be a chore but if she could save Irina Tanya would do it.

"Fine I will summon her.Just cover for me while I go meet her.I don't want anyone following me."The last thing Rosalie needed was for Bella to be ambushed by someone being nosy.

"Thank you Rosalie.I will find a way to repay you for this."Tanya was feeling a lot better now that Rosalie was reaching out to they had a much better chance of making it out of this alive.

"Don't thank me yet.We don't know how she will react to being asked for help."Rosalie warned as she walked away from the clearing.She was excited for a chance to see her mate again but wasn't excited for the reason.She knew Bella would help but Rosalie hated that she had to rely on Bella to save her all the time.Once clear of everyone else Rosalie took off in a run towards the was an isolated enough spot that her love could meet her without be seen.

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