Chapter 4

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"How do you know Rosalie's mate?"Kate asked Tanya as the pair were hunting in the forest outside of the Cullen's home.She hadn't actually needed to hunt but wanted a chance to speak to her coven leader ever since Rosalie introduced her mate to seemed to Kate that Tanya was trying to avoid talking to her and it made Kate even more suspicious of this whole situation.

"While I was traveling I ran into Rosalie who introduced us."Tanya told her.

"When was this?"Kate asked.

"It was 1943."Tanya said.

"1943?"Kate wondered why that year stuck in her memory."That's the same year you became immune to Edward, Alice and Jasper's gifts."

"Yes it was."Tanya really didn't want to have this conversation because she knew if she said the wrong thing about Bella the dragon would kill her.Kill her slowly and very painfully.

Kate suddenly put all the pieces together."Wait was it Bella who made you immune?"

"Yes, she did as a favor to Rosalie so that nobody would know about her."Tanya admitted.

"Holy shit!!"Kate couldn't believe it.They had always wondered what happened to Tanya that made it so she could block the Cullen children's gifts but her sister remained stedfast that she didn't know."Do you think she would shield me as well?"

Tanya flinched thinking about how Bella would react to being asked for anything."I don't think it's a good idea to ask her."

"Why not?I mean she did it for you and I'm sure Rosalie as well.What's the big deal?"Kate didn't see a problem with asking.

"The big deal is if you ask her it will piss her off and let me tell you you do not want to be the focus of her anger."Tanya knew first hand what happened when you pissed off the dragon and nothing would be able to save Kate if Bella went after her.

Kate looked at Tanya in surprise."You act like you are scared of her."

"Oh I'm scared of her alright."Tanya admitted."We all should be scared of her."

"I mean I know she is some kind of supernatural because of her eyes but she doesn't seem that much of a threat.Even when she went after Edward it didn't look like she hurt him that much."Kate didn't think that Bella was that scary.Her body seemed about as strong as a human and Kate didn't see the problem with winning a fight against her.

"Kate I want you to promise me that you will not approach matter how much you want to stay away from her.She is not someone who will put up with anybody.Not even if you are friendly."Tanya warned.

"Jesus, what did that woman do to you?"Kate could actually feel the terror coming off of Tanya in waves.

"It's not what she did to me it's what Rosalie stopped her from doing to me that has me so afraid."Tanya said.

"What did Rosalie stop her from doing?"Kate asked.

"I have no doubt if Rosalie wasn't there to interfere then Bella would have killed me.She would have made it slow and it is because I was spared I now owe her a life debt."Tanya wasn't happy owing the debt but it was a better alternative to what Bella could have done.

"Tanya what the hell have you gotten yourself into?"Owing a life debt was very serious serious that Kate knew Tanya had to have done something horrible to trade for it.

"I stole from her."Tanya figured giving Kate the basics would make her understand the situation better.

"You stole from Bella and now you owe her a life debt?"That didn't make sense to Kate.Stealing wouldn't have resulted in that type of punishment.

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