Chapter 17

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"Let me go now and I will tell the queens to have mercy on you."Edward said causing Kate to laugh.She was leading him to the field with the others to meet the queens.Eleazar was escorting Carlisle and Carmen was in charge of Esme.The three had tried to put up a fight but were easily overwhelmed.Even in their defeat Kate thought they looked a little to smug for the situation they found themselves in.Then again they did truly believe that the queens would come to their defense.She was looking forward to seeing the looks on their faces when they realized they were on their own.

"Yeah I don't think you have enough pull with the queens to save yourselves let alone us."Emmett said as he took his place in the group.They were lined up with Rosalie standing in front with the coven leaders and Garrett lined up behind her and the rest of the group behind was decided that the three prisoners would be brought forward after Rosalie explained everything.The only one who was standing away from the group was Bella who looked bored and completely over the entire situation.

"The queens will have your heads once they find out how you have treated us."Carlisle told them.He knew that the queens would not be happy with the way the group had turned on him.

"My love can I rip his tongue out so I don't have to listen to him anymore?"Bella asked Rosalie.

"How dare you.."Was all Edward got out before Kate shocked him.

Kate tightened her grip on him to keep him upright."I think you should keep that mouth shut or she is going to take yours first."

"You can't treat my son like that!!"Carlisle screeched.

"Carlisle shut will have your chance to embarrass yourself once the queens come.Until then no one wants to hear you or Edward."Rosalie smiled when she caught the pleading expression Bella was giving her."You can't rip his tongue out because he will need it to speak to the queens."

"Which are here."Rachel said as a group of robed figures moved across the field towards them.About two dozen vampires wearing regular clothes moved to the side.Rachel realized that the queens had brought them as witnesses.

Sulpicia stopped next to her mates a couple dozen yards in front of the vampires that came to challenge them.The original plan was to destroy all of them but seeing Bella standing to the side made her pause.They hadn't known the dragon was going to be there or that she had any connection to the people gathered.Deciding it would be wise to address her first she bowed."Hello your majesty we weren't expecting you to be here."

"Yes, well I am not going to interfere with your punishments."Bella told her.

"Why are you here then?"Athenodora's voice cracked causing the queen to be thankful she couldn't blush anymore.The dragon was extremely terrifying something that Athenodora found incredibly was something her mates constantly teased her about.Especially because every time she was around the dragon Athenodora acted like a school girl with a was beyond embarrassing and she hated being around Bella as much as she enjoyed it.

"I am here to stop you from punishing the vampires in the clearing that I own."Bella said.

"What vampires are those?"Didyme asked.She was trying very hard not to laugh at Athenodora but held back because of the seriousness of the situation.

"Out of the Cullen coven I claim Emmett, Rachel and my mate Rosalie of course."Bella pointed each of the vampires out to make sure the queens knew who she was talking about.

"Mate?"That caught Sulpicia's attention.They had not known that Bella was mated at all let alone to a Cullen.If they had they would have rethought this whole plan.

Bella nodded."Yes, Rosalie is my mate.Along with those three I am also claiming Tanya and Irina of the Denali coven."

"Me?"Tanya didn't understand why Bella would vouch for her.

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