Chapter 9

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"What is Carlisle doing?"Tanya mumbled as she watched Carlisle make his way to the side of the house.She had noticed Rosalie leave with Emmett and knew that it was up to her to make sure Bella wasn't seemed that Tanya would be needed sooner than she thought.Not that she was surprised though.Carlisle could never resist sticking his nose into everyone's business.Someone like Bella showing up the way she did would have him foaming at the mouth to solve the mystery.The blond vampire's hope that Carlisle was just looking for something was dashed as she saw him climbing the side the house to the roof.Taking off as fast as she could Tanya launched herself on to the roof just in time to intercept Carlisle."Carlisle what are you doing?"

"I am simply going to have a conversation with Bella."Carlisle was shocked with how quickly Tanya had made it to the roof as he had seen her across the lawn.

"Didn't Rosalie tell you to leave her alone?"Tanya knew that Rosalie would have warned them.

"It doesn't matter what Rosalie said.I am the coven leader and Bella is a member of my 's my right to talk to her."Carlisle wasn't intimidated by Tanya.He knew the other coven leader was just as much a pacifist as he was and didn't like violence.

"I don't care who you are Bella is to be left alone."Tanya cast a glance at the dragon pleased that she wasn't reacting to her and Carlisle.Tanya wasn't a fool and knew that Bella was listening to their conversation.That meant it was up to her to get Carlisle off the roof and away from Bella."Now why don't you get off the roof and help with the training."

"I am not getting off the roof until I speak to Bella."Carlisle wasn't going to leave until Bella talked to him.

"Well Bella doesn't want to talk to you."Tanya told him.

"You and Rosalie don't speak for Bella.Not only that but Bella has no other choice but to speak to me.If she doesn't then I will be forced to make her leave."Carlisle didn't think Bella would make any kind of difference if she stayed. Rosalie had said she wouldn't be fighting and Carlisle already had enough witnesses so losing Bella wouldn't make a difference.

"Bella will not be leaving."Tanya quickly shut that down.Bella was there only hope to save Irina and Tanya wasn't going to let Carlisle throw her sister's life away because of his wounded pride.

"Bella will go if I say so."Carlisle realized that it wasn't just Rosalie that needed to be reminded who was really in charge."This is my territory you are on.That's means what I say goes.If I want to have a conversation with Bella then Bella will have a conversation with me.If not then she is to leave the area."

"Carlisle I am warning you to leave this roof before you do something you will regret."Tanya knew if he pushed that Bella would retaliate and no one would be able to stop her.Especially because Rosalie wasn't around to calm the dragon.

Carlisle ignored Tanya's warning and stood before Bella."Bella you and I are going to have a conversation."

"Carlisle."Tanya began only to be cut off by Carlisle.

"No Tanya Bella is going to talk to me."Carlisle turned his attention back to Bella."Bella not only are you going to tell me what you are but you are going to shield the minds of my family and our allies."

Tanya held her breath when Bella turned her face to Carlisle.The dragon appeared calm but the raised eyebrow and the fire seeming to almost come alive in her eyes gave away her anger.Tanya had seen that look before and seeing it now brought back the same terror in her as is did the first time.Slowly taking a step back keeping her eyes on Bella Tanya wondered if she could get away quick enough to not be caught in the crosshair of whatever was going to happen to Carlisle.When Bella turned her gaze to the blond Tanya knew it was to late.She cursed Carlisle for his stupidity and vowed if they made it out this alive that she would kill the man herself for putting her in this danger.

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