Chapter 13

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"I'm going to kill whoever that is."Rosalie said as she slumped her naked body on top of an equally as naked Bella.They pair had been enjoying their time alone and Rosalie hadn't been close to being done.If it weren't for the person knocking on her door she would be focusing on pleasure not on violence.She quickly corrected herself.Being intimate with Bella did sometimes result in violence but the good kind.She especially liked when Bella let Rosalie dominate her.Rosalie knew it was a privilege that Bella had never allowed another and it touched Rosalie deeply to know her mate would do anything to please her.Even if it was something that she normally would never allow.Not that Bella fact the dragon admitted that sometimes it was nice not having to be in control.Hearing the knock again Rosalie got up and reached for a robe.

"If you do kill them will you please let me eat them?"Bella asked.

Rosalie laughed.That laugh turned into a growl when once again the person knocked.Opening the door Rosalie barred her teeth and demanded."What do you want?"

"Well... it's just...."Emmett stuttered he got picked to do this he wasn't sure.The others used the excuse that Rosalie liked him the best and would probably not kill him but now faced with the enraged vampire Emmett didn't think that was true.

"It's just what?"Rosalie asked impatiently.

"I didn't want to bother you but the others thought you would want to know that the queens will be here tomorrow.They figured if you needed to hunt or do anything before they came you would want time to do it."Emmett happily put the blame on everyone else.He had never been afraid of Rosalie before but now looking at the angry vampire he was terrified.

"Thank you of letting us know."Rosalie didn't wait for a reply before she slammed the door in his face.

"I guess we are done for now."Bella said as she stood from the bed.

Rosalie ogled her mate as Bella walked towards the bathroom."I hate this."

"I don't."Bella told her.

"How could you not?"Rosalie was highly offended that Bella didn't mind that they were interrupted.

Bella shrugged."Because if we are going to be facing the queens soon then mostly likely someone is going to die.That being the case I'm sure the queens will let me eat the dead vampire."

"Of course you are thinking with your stomach."Rosalie should have known.Bella would never pass up the chance to eat vampire.

"Well it's been years since I've been able to partake and you have not allowed me more than a few snacks while we have been here.Even though I have many justified reasons to kill most of the vampires gathered."If Bella had it her way she would have eaten at least Edward a long time ago.Rosalie had always stopped her though claiming it wouldn't be right to kill someone without reason.

"I know sweetheart but we need to wait for the queens to offer judgment.If it weren't for Irina I would have let you eat the three of them after the fight but the queens will need someone to blame and I don't feel comfortable allowing the others that came to help be those someones."Rosalie said.

Bella turned on the shower and stepped in."You know I love your compassion but it's annoying when it gets in the way of me killing things."

"You will survive."Rosalie stepped in the shower with Bella happily turning so Bella could wash her hair.Most of the time when they were together they bathed in the lake that formed through the large hole in part of Bella's keep after centuries of rain.The only time they used an actual bath or shower was when Rosalie convinced Bella to spend time in civilization.Then they indulged in the ordinate baths Bella commissioned for the properties she bought for Rosalie as gifts."Is there anything you need to do before they come?"

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