Chapter 15

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"Now let's try this again."Bella said as she and Rosalie stood on the treaty line facing off against twelve wolves and their alpha who was in his human form.Bella expected to be met with such force as the wolves had probably been told of what happened with Carlisle, Edward and Esme.She was actually surprised they hadn't attacked was obvious they wanted to judging from the snarling and growling they were doing.

"What do you want from us?"Sam asked cautiously.Jacob had told him all about what Rosalie and Bella had done to the Cullens and he didn't want to fight them if he didn't have to.He would give the order if it was necessary but he hoped they could talk things out.

"As I told you before the treaty you had with Carlisle is now void.This is my territory now and you will have to make a new one with me."Bella told him.

"We have no interest in a making a new treaty."Sam said.

Bella narrowed her eyes at Sam."I don't care about your interests.They mean nothing to me.A new treaty will be made."

"This is our land we decide what rules apply to it.That means the treaty we made with Carlisle and your people will not be allowed here."Sam may have thought this woman was dangerous but he wasn't going to let her dictate what happened on his people's land.

"Little boy I think you have the wrong idea here."Bella told him.

Sam growled."I am not a little boy!I am the alpha of this pack!"

"Well almighty alpha I'm here to tell that from now on myself and Rosalie will be visiting your sacred lands whenever we like."Bella smirked seeing the rage come over the boy's face.

"If you step one foot across the treaty line then we will be forced to kill you."Sam threatened.

Bella laughed."You think you could kill either of us?"

"You may be strong but we outnumber are no match for us."Sam knew that if it came to a fight some of members of his pack would get hurt but it was their duty to protect their tribe.

"My love would like to take the first step or do want me to do it?"Bella asked Rosalie.

Rosalie sighed.She had hoped the wolves would be smart and work things out with Bella but it seemed that wasn't going to happen."I think that we should take the step together."

"Wonderful idea."Bella took Rosalie's hand in her own and they both stepped over the invisible line separating the reservation from the Cullen's soon as their feet landed Sam exploded into a wolf and lunged at them.Bella dropped Rosalie's hand and swung her fist catching Sam in the jaw so hard that his body was flung into a tree where it slumped down to the ground.That seemed to upset the rest of the wolves who began an unorganized attack on both Bella and Rosalie.

"If you stand down we can talk this out."Rosalie didn't think the wolves would actually stop but it made her feel better knowing that she at least tried to de escalate the situation with she predicted none of the wolves stopped and she was forced to fend off four of them that attacked her.Kicking one away from her, she then punch one in the side feeling it's ribs break from the impact.She threw another one away from her as she grabbed the last one left by the scruff of it's neck and held it to eye level.Grabbing it's jaw to keep it from biting her Rosalie spoke."I don't want to hurt you.Please stop trying to attack us."

"It's not going to listen love."Bella said as she flung a wolf in air by the was the last of the group besides the one Rosalie was holding that had been neutralized in some way."Its instincts are telling it to eliminate the threat to its pack.The only thing that could make it stop would be an alpha command."

"Is there something you can do?"Rosalie asked.

"There is but before I do it you need to be sure you want the responsibility of taking care of a wolf pack."Bella wouldn't be opposed to having a wolf pack at her disposal but Rosalie had weird views of owning people.

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