Chapter 3

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"Thank god Rosalie you got her."Tanya mumbled when she noticed Rosalie leading Bella out of the forest to the Cullen home.The coven leader wasn't completely convinced that Bella would help them at all and knew she would have to thank Rosalie later for persuading her.Tanya walked slowly towards the couple stopping a few feet in front of the pair and bowing."Your majesty it is an honor to see you again."

"Hmm."Bella looked over the blond vampire noticing not much had changed since she last saw her.

"Be good."Rosalie scolded.She knew that Bella would be unhappy being around people but had hoped that she would at least be polite to seemed that that hope was for not and when she noticed Edward rushing towards them and various guests that were at the house staring at them Rosalie prayed that no one would say anything stupid.

"Who are you and why can't I read your mind?"Edward demanded as he got in Bella's face.

"How dare you speak to me like that!!"Bella growled as she lunged at Edward and grabbed him by the throat.

"Bella!!"Rosalie quickly ran to Bella trying to stop her from killing Edward."Bella don't kill him.He's an idiot but I'm sure that it is just because his family is in danger that has him acting so rudely."

"You better think before you speak again boy because family or not I will end you."Bella squeezed Edwards throat once more then threw him to ground.

"Edward!!"Jessica Edward's mate ran to Edward checking him over frantically."Are you alright?"

"I'm fine she didn't hurt me."Edward glared at Bella flinching when Bella took a step towards him.

Rosalie grabbed Bella's arm to stop her from going after Edward again."Edward apologize to Bella.What you did was uncalled for."

"Me?I should apologize?That woman attacked me!!"Edward wasn't going to apologize to some stranger with an anger problem.

"Edward if you don't apologize to Bella then I will take the entire Denali coven and go back to Alaska and wash my hands of you and your family."Tanya wasn't going to deal with people being rude to Bella.The dragon was their only hope to save Irina and if someone pissed her off enough then Tanya had no problem believing Bella would leave them all to their death and go back to her keep.

"You wouldn't."Edward was aghast that Tanya would even threaten to leave.

"Oh I would."Tanya promised.

"Son apologize."Carlisle wasn't sure exactly who this newcomer was but as he moved to stand next to Edward he realized that she was very powerful.Her red eyes with the dancing orange flames was enough warning they didn't want the woman Bella as an enemy.

"But Carlisle she was the one."Edward began only to be cut off by Carlisle.

"I don't care.Apologize."Carlisle wasn't going to let Edward leave until he did.

"Fine.Bella I am sorry for the way I acted."Edward said through gritted teeth.

Noticing that Bella wasn't going to say anything Carlisle held out his hand hoping to defuse the situation.When Bella made no move to shake it he dropped it and smiled awkwardly."Welcome name is Carlisle this is my son Edward and his mate Jessica."

"This is my mate Bella."Rosalie told them and just like she predicted she was suddenly surrounded by people all asking questions.

"Everyone calm down."Tanya yelled to get control of the crowd.

"What do you mean calm down?Rosalie has a mate someone you obviously know and no one told us about this."Kate was surprised that Tanya kept this from them.

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