Chapter 14

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"Hello Bella, Rosalie."Tanya greeted the pair when they exited the house.While they had been occupied the rest of the group had decided that Tanya would take the lead for them as she was the one Bella was familiar with.Well the one Bella was familiar with that she didn't want to eat as it was obvious Bella knew about each of Rosalie's coven mates.Some of those coven mates being the ones that Rosalie had dismantled and were put in different rooms in the house.Tanya was glad that even though they had to listen Rosalie and Bella being intimate the soundproof on the three different rooms they put Carlisle, Edward and Esme in worked.That was something she found out when going to check on each them finding them all to be screaming made Tanya wonder if Rosalie and Bella were actually just that loud.Seeing the satisfied expression Rosalie had on her face Tanya came to the conclusion that the soundproofing was just fine and Rosalie was extremely lucky to have such a passionate mate.

"Hi guys."Rosalie greeted the group.

"I'm sorry for interrupting you but we didn't want you to be rushed if you had things to do before the queens came."Tanya told them.

Rosalie waved off the apology."We aren't mad."

"That being said is there anything you need our help with?"Tanya was relieved that Rosalie wasn't upset with them.If she or Bella weren't happy then the queens would be the least of their worries.

"We don't have anything we need to.We are just planning on going to go swimming for a few hours and coming back to rest."Rosalie said.

"Where are you going swimming?"Emmett asked.

"Bella wants to swim in the ocean so we are going on the reservation."Rosalie told him.

"What about the wolves?"Rachel didn't know if the wolves accept Bella and Rosalie going on their land.

"You think I fear those mutts."Bella laughed at the very idea.

Tanya flinched at the sound of that laugh.Bella wasn't a jovial woman and her laughing usually meant that she was going to beat someone's ass."No one thinks that."

"My love, you have to remember these people aren't used to your with Carlisle they don't know the old laws."Rosalie reminded Bella.

"I guess I should give them a proper lesson then."Bella offered.

"That's not necessary ."Rosalie quickly shut that down.Although Bella would enjoy it it wouldn't be right for Bella to fight all the vampires in the clearing just to show them she was the top predator.They already knew it by now."You promised to take me swimming."

"Maybe another time then."Bella enjoyed the way the each vampire she looked at refused to make eye seemed her and Rosalie's show of power proved why they should be feared.

"Let's worry about that when the queens know that you will have all the opportunities you want to show off when they arrive."Rosalie knew that even though the queens were scared of Bella some their guards weren't bright enough to stay their hand and would likely try and attack her.Bella had told her it happened every time she interacted with royals.Rosalie knew Bella most likely egged them on but didn't blame her.Her mate loved to fight.What better to fight than a vampire who was relatively strong that Bella would enjoy eating after she killed them.

"Very true.Let us go deal with these wolves.I wish to watch the sunset over the ocean with you."Bella held out her hand out for Rosalie.

Rosalie happily took it with a smile.Bella might be eternally grumpy but she was known to be romantic and what could be more romantic than watching the sun set over the ocean."That sounds perfect."

"We will let you know if anything happens."Tanya called after the pair.She was surprised to hear Bella request as she didn't think the dragon cared about sunsets.Then again all Tanya knew about Rosalie and Bella's relationship was that they had loud sex.Maybe Bella was quite romantic.Tanya quickly dismissed that thought.Bella's idea of romance was problem bringing Rosalie the heads of her enemies.She mentioned she had a room so it was easy to believe that would be her romantic gesture.

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