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Airi hugged her knees, slightly shivering to herself. The wood hurt to even sit on let alone sleep.

Jinae sat in the complete opposite corner of the room, hiding her face against her knees and arms. The energy had dramatically changed since their last meal over 24 hours ago.

Wanting to spark up some conversation, Airi winces as she clears her dry throat. "H-hey, do you know how long we have been in here?"

The vampire let out a small sigh, not bothering to move her face to speak. "A week and a half."

Jinaes stomach growled as she bit her lip, causing it to bleed. She cringed at the disgustingly bitter taste.

She knew she had to reveal the truth. If she waited much longer... Airi could get hurt.


  "Yeah?" She called back with worry.

  "I haven't been completely honest with you.." Jinae slowly lifted her head, her glowing eyes meeting Airis wide brown ones.


  "Come in!" Miyu called, shaking her head with a small smile. Byeol threw down a few different fabrics. "Choose three or four."

  "Unnie, at this rate we will have enough dresses to fill every inch of a bedroom!" She forced a light chuckle, feigning happiness.

  "Anything you don't want to keep, we can just share." She crossed her arms. She suddenly grew about two feet, her face much more mature than before.

   "Wah, you can present yourself as any size? So why do you choose to be a child?" Miyu frowned.

  The fairy only smiled. "It's not any size, but any age. I'd be about two years younger than you in this form. People let their guards down around children; most of the time."

  With that, she walked out with all of the fabric. Seungmin peaked his head in, asking permission to step in. Felix followed behind, leaving his wings on show.

  He chuckled when she couldn't look away.

  "Byeol asked me to get you out of the house. Would you like to go for a walk?" Seungmin offered, avoiding eye contact.

  Felix chimed in and grabbed the girls hand, pulling her out of bed. "You should go. Seungmin will keep you safe and although there is nothing wrong with worrying about your sister, you really do need sunlight."

  With a deep breath, she agreed. "Okay. I don't want to stay out super long though."

  "Of course. Whenever you want to return, we can." Seungmin assured.

"I have plans but Jisung and I will return around dinner." Felix informed before Seungmin teleported the two of them. Now in the middle of the woods, it took Miyu a moment to process what had just happened.

Once her eyes found his, he motioned her to follow him. In curiosity and confusion, she went along despite there being no path. The male moved some branches out of the was as she gasped, taking in the scene.

A six foot tall waterfall was surrounded by a big patch of thick grass. The sun shown beautifully on the whole scene, making the purple flowers and flowing water glow.

Going to take a seat in the grass, Seungmin stopped her. He took off his jacket, laying it out on the grass. "Let's not ruin a new dress, yeah?"

Hiding her blush, she thanked him.

Taking a seat next to her, silence filled the both of them. Miyu took a deep breath as she listened to the water. A lump began to form in her throat as well as her eyes filling with tears.

Unable to calm herself down, her sniffly nose gave her away. He reached into his pocket, offering a portable bag of tissues.

Letting out a chuckle, she accepted them. "I'm sorry, I don't know what is wrong with me-"

"Please don't apologize. You have every right to be in ruins right now." He awkwardly smiled before averting his eyes once again. "We don't expect you to be okay. It's okay not to be."

"T-thank..y-you." she let out in a small whisper.

After some more silence, Seungmin flopped back to look up at the sky. "You can consider me a wizard, I guess. I think it sounds clichè."

  He continued after getting her attention. "A hex was placed on my family. They all died in an earthquake. I was out training for the night and survived. It was then I ran into Bangchan. When I was learning to reverse the hex... Something happened and I went into a coma for a month. When I woke up.. I had most of the abilities I have now. Hyung claims I always had them, but the hex blocked it. So uh, yeah. That's my story I guess."

  "Thank you for sharing it, you really didn't have to." Miyu sniffled once again.

  He shrugged. "Byeol said I downplayed it. I figured you wouldn't understand unless I told you all of that."

  Though it was about two hours that was spent at the waterfall, very few words were exchanged.

  Once the two got prepared to head back, Miyu respectfully bowed to Seungmin. "Thank you. Being in nature felt nice."



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