𝗥𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝗧𝗿𝗶𝗽

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5 days earlier

"Ms. Billings someone is here to see you. Do I send him?" Katie; Grace's secretary asked her from the door.

"Yeah. Send him in, please." Grace said from her desk before straightening her dress- someone cleared their throat making her look up and smile. "Look who it is! The soon-to-be husband. My fucking cousin."

"Hey to you too Grace. How are you? We haven't seen each other in like a week." Doug said sitting down in the chair.

"You know... cases and cases and more cases. I fucking hate my life right now." Grace groaned before smiling. "Now... you never come to my office.... What do you want?"

"Well... I want you to come to my bachelor party!" Doug said smiling making her look at him confused.

"Mmm I'm going to Tracy's bachelorette party. I can't besides isn't it a bachelor party for guys?"

"Who cares? You're my cousin and my best friend and I want you with me."

"Tracy's gonna be mad if I don't go to her party." Grace said crossing her arms.

"I already talked to her and she knows that you're important for me. I mean without you I wouldn't be marrying her." Doug said before pursuing his lips. "Phil and Stu are gonna be there."

Okay. Grace has had a crush on Phil since they were in school. Who wouldn't? He was the popular kid but so was she. The used to hook up back then before Grace had to leave the city for college; she was in love with him. After she came back she heard that Phil had gotten married and had a kid. So... that basically depressed her. Now she is a criminal defense attorney and doesn't have a relationship just hook ups. Also she cut ties with him after everything but talks almost every day with Stu.

"I- I don't think that's for me. Maybe you should go with them. Also remember Alan."

"Come on, Grace. Everything it's in the past you don't have to worry and also Alan it's not going to do anything."

"Doug, I'm Tracy's maid of honor. How do you think it's gonna look that I'm not at her bachelorette party?"

"Come ooooon!! Please... do you want me to beg? 'Cause I will." Doug said with his best puppy eyes.

"I hate you." She grumbled. "Fine! Fine! I'll go."

"Yes! I love you. I'm gonna text you every detail. Don't worry." Doug said before standing up walking to the door. "Also... just so you know Phil is divorced."


Present day

"Tracy are you sure that is okay for me to go to Doug's bachelorette party?" Grace asked Tracy. They were currently doing the last fitting for the wedding at Tracy's house.

"Yes! Don't worry. You're my best friend but also Doug's and I'm a little relieved that you're gonna be there. You can control them." Tracy said smiling making Grace laugh.

"Tracy, I love you but it's Vegas. I'm probably gonna be so drunk that I won't remember anything and gonna end up hooking up with someone. So believe me, I think Doug is the one who knows how to have control."

"Well... still I feel better." She looked at Grace with mischievous eyes. "Phil's gonna be there."

"That's completely fine with me." Grace said shrugging while putting her clothes again.

"Why don't you just accept that you're still in love with him?" Tracy groaned.

"Because I'm not. He's married and has a kid."

𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘝𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺! - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now