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They were now at Mike Tyson's doorstep out of breath and exhausted. "You're late." The man from before opened the door.

"Whatever, man. We had to push it the last mile." Phil tiredly answered.

The man opened the door and moved to the side, "Come on in. Mike's got something he wants to show you."

Phil heard a growl from the tiger turning around to motion at it, "That thing's out of control, man. Seriously, you gotta put it down." Everyone entered the house and sat down in the living room where Mike was waiting. Grace and Phil sat together, him putting his arm around her shoulder rubbing her arm.

"When we got back, we took a look at the security cameras." Mike told them.

"Great." Grace and Phil muttered, Mike motioned to the man so he could start playing the camera.

They watched as they all were walking drunkenly in the yard, Phil had Grace in his arms. Phil on the video said, "This is how you walk. This is how you walk." Mimicking Doug.

"Oh, it's Doug."

"Oh, thank God he's alive." Grace muttered.

"That's our buddy. That's who we've been missing." Stu replied smiling making us smile with him dealing the relief of seeing Doug.

"We're all best friends." Alan smiled.

"Why don't you just pay attention? I don't have all night." Mike told them annoyed.

"Yeah, of course. Of course." Phil shut up.

There was another camera they were around the pool. Grace was sitting down in the edge with her feet on the pool, "What are you doing?" Stu on the video asked. Alan was at the other side of the pool standing up.

"Hey, guys. Check it out. Watch this." Alan on the video said laughing while unzipping his pants.

"That's me, I'm on TV. I've never been on TV before." Alan said smiling when then the video showed Alan peeing into the pool. Grace could be seeing standing up abruptly screaming. Everyone turned to look at Alan disgusted and disapprovingly.

"Oh god Alan!" Grace on the video could be heard.

"Really? Really, Alan?" Phil asked him annoyed.

"Alan that's disgusting." Grace told him with a straight voice.

Mike Tyson was looking at him in disgust making Alan stuttered, "Yeah, I was uh..." he then looked at the tv seeing him pee even more, "Maybe... Should I wait outside?"

"I think that's a good idea, Alan." Mike told him quietly.

"Yeah." Alan said standing up to go outside.

"Don't touch anything out there, either." The man told him with narrowed eyes.

"You know what? He's not our good fr... We don't know him that well." Stu tried to explain.

The camera then changed to everyone walking back to the cop car with the tiger, "Come on. Come on, come on." Phil on the video said.

"By the way, where you get that cop car from?" Mike asked us.

"We, uh, stole it from these dumb-ass cops." Grace told him with a chuckle.

"Nice. High five that one." Mike smiled making them laugh with him. "That's nice!"

Phil started saying , "You know, I just have to say... I have never seen a more beautiful,
elegant, just regal creature." When then the video showed Phil dry hump the tiger who was in the backseat of the car, "Check it out. Stu. Stu.
Fuck this tiger." The Phil on video said. Mike lost his smile and Grace had an incredulous look on her face.

𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘝𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺! - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now