𝗕𝗼𝗻𝘂𝘀 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿

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Everything was going amazing. Phil and Grace decided to move in together; I mean they are married. It wasn't a small house but also not a big mansion. It was perfect for them.

Four bedroom, 5 bathroom, big kitchen, a pool, an office and much more... it was their sanctuary.

Grace had finally met Stephanie; Phil's ex-wife, properly. Grace thought it was gonna be awkward but it wasn't. Stephanie told her that Phil always talked about her. Always trying to find a way to remember and have her close to him. Stephanie also told her that Phil and Grace were always meant to be. So, they formed a friendship. Eli will always come to their house on weekends to spend time with Phil. Also, Eli loved Grace and she loved him.

They would always visit Doug, Tracy and Stu... and sometimes Alan. But Grace was a little bit mad with him because of what happened in Vegas.

Also in two months they were gonna have a little reception for their wedding, with NO bachelor parties. It was going to be something simple but beautiful. Grace decided to not have a bachelor party because she didn't want to go missing or Phil and he reluctantly agreed.

They already had their routine and yes... they would fuck every single day. Which is what caused this....

Four months later...

"I'm fucking telling you, Tracy!" Grace exclaimed to the phone; She was currently in the bathroom in her bedroom upstairs. Phil was with Doug.

"Okay... just calm down. How much time is left?"

"Umm like a minute? Fuck! What if I'm pregnant? What am I supposed to do?"

"Well, you're gonna tell Phil first."

"But we have been married for 4 fucking months."

"Yes but you have loved each other for years." Tracy responded back calmly.

"What if- What if he doesn't want another kid?" Grace muttered quietly.

"Grace, he fucking loves you with all his heart. He wants to have babies with you and if he doesn't well I'm gonna kick his ass." Grace chuckled softly at this.

"Oh my god!" Grace shouted.

"What? What does it say?"

"I'm fucking pregnant!" Grace shouted making Tracy wince on the other side.

"That's fucking great! I'm gonna be an aunt!" Tracy yelled to the phone.

"I don't know how to tell Phil."

"Don't worry... everything is going to be fine."

Two hours later...

"Sweetheart! I'm home and I brought you Chinese takeout!" Phil shouted entering to their house.

"Oh my god! I love you so much!" Grace came from the living room taking the bag giving him a kiss to which he gladly responded. "How was everything with Doug?"

"Good. Stu came with us, he said that his patient was cancelled because he had herpes." Phil said casually making Grace snort.

"That's so fucking weird." Grace laughed, she began putting the food in plates.

"I'm gonna take a shower real quick. Then we're gonna watch that show that you like so much." He rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me, Grey's Anatomy is the best."

"Yeah. Mhm. You just like it because of that doctor. The one with the hair like me." Phil mumbled before giving her a kiss and going upstairs.

Grace continued in the kitchen humming a song when she paused and paled. The pregnancy test. She didn't throw it. Grace immediately went to the stairs before something stopped her.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Phil shouted before big thuds were heard. Grace immediately ran to the kitchen and gave him her back. "Gracie, baby. Um... is there like anything you want to tell me?"

"Oh um... what do you mean?" She played dumb while washing some plates.

"Gracie, turn around." Phil told her softly making her slowly turn around to look at a smiling Phil with widen eyes and a pregnancy test on hand, "Is this true? Are you pregnant?"

"Yeah... I found out like two hours ago." Grace mumbled trying to not look at him. She felt something in her chin making her look up at him.

"Are you not happy? You don't want kids?" Phil asked her softly looking at her.

"Phil... are you happy? Do you want more kids?"

"Sweetheart, why wouldn't I want kids with the woman I love?" He smiled before kissing her making her smile.

"I was scared that maybe you didn't want more kids after Eli."

"Baby, of course I want more kids." He looked into her eyes, "I love you so much, Grace Wenneck Billings."

"I love you so much more!" He picked her up and took her upstairs so they could celebrate.

Turns out she was four weeks pregnant.... So yeah they had been very busy. But they were happy. Their little wedding reception was happening soon so nothing could go wrong.

Telling the guys...

Grace and Phil decided to tell Stu and Doug in a restaurant... what they didn't expect was to Alan come along.

"Why is Alan here?" Phil muttered quickly to Doug when they were greeting them.

"I was at Sid's and Alan accidentally heard me on the phone with Stu. He came to me and I felt bad." Doug replied quickly.

"Woah, you're fat, Grace." Alan commented looking at Grace in the eyes making her pause and glare at him.

"Alan! Don't say that." Stu hissed before smiling slightly at Grace.

"So, why did you invite us here?" Alan ignored Stu and questioned them.

"Well, Alan..." Grace started with gritted teeth, "We want to tell you something guys." Grace smiled at Stu and Doug before looking at Phil.

"You're getting a divorce?" Alan chimed in making everyone to look at him.

"No, Alan. We're not getting divorced." Phil sighed before smiling again. "Gracie, is two months pregnant." Phil said excitedly.

"Woah! Woah! That's awesome! I'm very happy for you!" Doug exclaimed giving each a hug.

"I'm very happy for you! Congratulations!" Stu exclaimed softly with a smile. They were hugging each other while Alan was just sitting there. "Um, Alan aren't you gonna say something?"

"So that's why you're fat." He muttered, "Is this baby gonna come within the wolf pack? 'Cause if it is then I don't want it." He commented making them look at him in confusion.

"Alan, we aren't getting rid of the baby. And the pack has to wait." Phil told him making Alan to muttered something under his breath.

"Well, we're very happy for you! The baby's going to be very loved." Stu changed the topic.

"Thanks guys! We're very happy too." Grace smiled kissing Phil's cheek.

" Grace smiled kissing Phil's cheek

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Yeah... so that happened🙃 I love you all guys! This is the end of part one.🫶🏻 It's something small, just when they found out she's pregnant!

Remember to FOLLOW ME!💗

Have a great great day!🫶🏻

𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘝𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺! - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now