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"Now what?" Phil asked everyone, they were in the meeting point. They were parked and in front of them was the black truck with Doug.

"Give him the signal." Alan responded.

"What signal?"

"Flash your lights. Let him know it's on."

"What's on?"

"The deal." Alan and Grace said in unison.

"Of course it's on. We just drove 30 miles into the desert. He knows it's on." Phil replied back making Grace sigh.

"Phil, just do something." Stu and Grace told him with gritted teeth.

"Fine." Phil reluctantly said before flashing the lights. Immediately the doors opened and the men came out.

"Oh, shit."


"All right, let's go. Gracie why don't you stay here?" Phil said looking at Grace.

"I'm not gonna let you go there by yourself. I'm coming with you." Grace told him making him sigh and nod.

"Just stay with me." He whispered before getting out of the car. Grace and Stu got out from the window leaving Alan as the last. He struggled before falling down onto the ground.

The Asian man laughed and pointed at him, "Funny fat guy fall on face."

"You okay?" Grace asked him quietly.

"All right, we got the money. Eighty grand, cash." Phil said showing them the money.

"Throw it over. Then I give you Doug."

"Um, I'm sorry. First of all, good morning. And we didn't catch your name last night." Stu said sarcastically before the man responded.

"Mr. Chow. Leslie Chow." Finally they had a name. Not just Asian man or naked Asian man.

"Mr. Chow, it is a pleasure. My name is Stu. And we would very much appreciate an opportunity to see Doug... before we give you the money,
just to verify that he's okay. lf that's cool." Stu calmly said.

"Of course, Stu. That is cool." Mr. Chow nodded before he clapped and said something in a foreign language.

"Oh, thank God." They sighed in relief when one of the men took Doug out of the truck.

"See, he fine. Now give me money...or I shoot him, and I shoot all you motherfuckers. And then we take it. Your choice, bitches." Mr. Chow said motioning them making Grace glare at him.

"One day, I'm gonna fucking sue you." Grace mumbled under her breath.

"Give him the money, Stu." Phil looked at him.

"Okay." He threw the bag at them.

"It's all there."

"Let him go."

One of the men brought Doug to them, "All right, take it easy. Take it easy." Grace told them when she saw how roughly they were treating him.

He took the bag from his head just to reveal a black man that was clearly not Doug. "Ta-da."

"Is this some kind of joke? Who the hell is this?" Phil said annoyed.

"That is not Doug." Stu exclaimed.

"Who the fuck is this?" Grace asked him annoyed.

"What you talking about, Willis? That him." Mr. Chow argued.

"No, I'm sorry, Mr. Chow. That's not our friend. He... That's..." Stu tried to explain.

"The Doug we're looking for is a white." Alan stupidly added.

𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘝𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺! - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now