𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗪𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴

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They came barging into the house, "Hey. Sorry, MapQuest took us on a really crazy route." Stu told them smiling.

The wedding started. Grace was placed with the bridesmaids as the maid of honor. The boys were in Doug's side as the groomsmen. Phil being the best man.

Everyone began standing up and Grace looked at  Tracy with a smile. Her best friend was getting married to her other best friend and cousin. She was happy.

She heard from the boys side, "How's my hair?" Alan whispered to Stu.

"It looks good."

"Is it cool like Phil's?"

"It's classic Phil."

Phil whispered to Doug, "She looks beautiful, man." Before looking at Grace, "I love you. You're gorgeous." He mouthed making her slightly blush.

"I love you too. You're handsome." She gave him a wink.

Doug and Tracy were officially married. Grace saw how the singer was singing and dancing strangely to a older woman. Grace then turned to look at Phil thanking Stephanie; his ex-wife for bringing Eli to the wedding before leaving. Phil approached her with a smile before looking at his son.

"Hey, my man. You remember Gracie?" Phil smiled.

"Yeah! You told me so much about her." Eli smiled at her.

"Mhmm, Well, she's gonna be around us hopefully for a long long time."

"Cool! Daddy said that you're a big badass attorney! I want to be one too!"

Grace kneeled to his height, "Well buddy, he told me so much about you too. And I'm gonna teach you everything I know" She smiled before Phil grabbed her from the waist giving her a kiss making her smile and Eli to cheer.

They were sitting on a table talking with Eli when Grace caught something from the corner of her eye. "Oh shit! Phil there's the bitch!" She muttered to him.

"Oh fuck."

"Stu? You avoiding me?" Melissa walked towards Stu who was with Alan drinking.

"Hey. Melissa." He smiled making her look at his lost tooth.

"Oh, my God. What happened to your tooth?"

He ignored her, "Have you met Alan? Tracy's brother. Brother of the... Okay. Ow." He was cut off by Melissa opening his mouth to see his missing tooth.

"That is disgusting. Why haven't you returned my calls?"

"Well, there was a snafu when we stopped..."

"I called that bed and breakfast in Napa. They said they had no record of you even checking in."

"That's because we didn't go to Napa." Stu told her.

"Oh my god! He's doing it!" Grace smiled to Phil.

"Finally." Phil groaned.

"Stu. What the fuck is going on?" Melissa yelled grabbing the attention of everyone near them.

"Woah! Don't listen to that, buddy." Grace said to Eli who had his ears covered by Phil.

"We went to Las Vegas."

"Oh, really? Las Vegas? Why would you go to Las Vegas?"

"My friend was getting married. That's what guys do and Grace too." Stu told her directly before glancing at Grace who smiled and gave him a thumbs up at him.

"Okay, that's not what you do. And you told me Grace wasn't going." Melissa said punching his chest.

"Really? Well, then why did I do it, huh? Because I did it. Riddle me that." Stu started yelling grabbing the attention of everyone,"Grace is one of my best friends and if we want her there she's gonna be there. Why'd I do it? All you want me to do is what you want me to do. I'm sick of doing what you want." Stu continued, "In a healthy relationship, a guy should be able to do what he wants."

𝘐𝘵'𝘴 𝘝𝘦𝘨𝘢𝘴, 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺! - 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now