Author notes

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Wow, I can't believe I'm here writing another book. I know it's been a while but I've had this idea in my head for a while and when two of the ONC prompts for this year inspired me, I decided to take up the challenge and write it.

This story is going to be sort of based on myself. I do identify as Asexual and I think there isn't enough Asexual romances out today. We need to change that. So, here's a start.

Before we jump into the story, I want to say a few things first: 

1. The cover for this story was made by the absolutely incredible meha-k who perfectly understood my story and the kind of cover I wanted. I couldn't be more grateful <3

2. Asexuality.  

Asexual - Having little to no sexual attraction. 

This means that someone who is Asexual can have a romantic relationship, but they may not want to engage in sexual activities. Some Asexual people just don't feel sexually attracted to someone but are ok with having sex. Others may not want to engage in sex at all and find it repulsive (this is where I fall on the spectrum)

3. The author's views.

This is just my interpretation of how I think a relationship would work if one of the parties is Asexual. This does not reflect how every Asexual relationship works, nor does it mean this is the 'right' kind of relationship.

Lastly 4. Trigger warnings.

I am a person who includes trigger warnings in all my books at the start of each chapter. If you see something in the trigger warnings that might negatively affect you or make you feel uncomfortable, please click off the book. Your mental health is far more important than reading this book.

This book will be dual POV and will switch between Imogen and Liam's POV's.

The ONC prompt I used is

33. A broken heart beats with all its pieces. And it still wants the same person.

I think that's everything, so without further ado. I hope you enjoy the story, and let's get into it.

Happy reading <3 

Loving you is a losing game (ONC 2024)Where stories live. Discover now