Chapter 17- Imogen

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Trigger warnings- None

As he promised, Liam's dad doesn't contact him at all over the next few weeks. He doesn't even seem to care. He's just happy to be here, and happy to still be with me. If anything, he seems different. He's way less stressed and he makes an effort in his classes now.

He texted me yesterday that for the first time in his three years at Whymper, he got an A + on his English assignment. According to Rupert Twickenham, the smile on his face when he saw his paper was unlike anything he'd seen in him before. Liam actually has time to focus on his studies now, and his grades are soaring because of it.

I know most people are conscious of offending or insulting their parents, but sometimes, it's necessary to isolate yourself from people like them. Of course, they're not bad people, they just want to force their own hopes and dreams on Liam. I couldn't be more proud of him for what he did, and seeing him be as happy as he is now, is something I will never tire of seeing.

On the last day before Christmas break, Liam texts me early in the morning.

Liam- Good morning my love. Happy 18th Birthday xx

I smile as I text back.

Imogen- Thank you xx

Liam- Look outside your door....

At first I'm confused, but when I open the door, there's a tray with my favourite breakfast on it. Pancakes with whipped cream and berries, drizzled with chocolate and a huge cup of hot chocolate beside it. Plus a bowl of chocolate dipped strawberries.

I place the tray on my desk and text him again.

Imogen- Oh my god, thank you! This must've taken ages. x

Liam- I've been awake since 5 making sure everything is ready xx

Imogen- Ready for what? xx

Liam- Ready to give my girlfriend the best birthday ever. In the form of eighteen carefully curated presents xx

Imogen- Eighteen? xx

Liam- It's not everyday the best girl in the world turns eighteen xx

Imogen- You are two sweet! When is the next one happening? xx

Liam- As soon as you've finished your breakfast xx Small hint, look under the letter 'o' xx

I think about Liam's clue the whole way through my breakfast. What on earth does he mean? Even when I'm finished I still don't understand. There's no writing anywhere on the tray, so what does he mean?

It's only when I think about what else he could mean by the letter 'o' that I think of. The letter 'o' is round, and what else on the tray is round? The plate.

I lift up the plate and find a small piece of paper underneath. This one reads:

Where we shared our first kiss

I quickly open my door and race off towards the school building. The first place we kissed was in the west corridor under the archway.

When I get there, Liam is waiting for me. He kisses me and holds me close. "Happy birthday, my love."

"Thank you. Are you my second present?"

He laughs and I'd drink the sound if I could. "No, although I'm honoured that you think I'd be any kind of gift worthy of your birthday. No, this is the second gift."

He pulls out a small box and hands it to me. I open it and inside is a heart shaped necklace, broken in two halves with a chain attached to each half. On one side is engraved the word 'mi' and the other 'amor'. It's the first nickname he ever gave me and one that we reserve for special occasions. "Oh, it's beautiful."

"You like it?"

"I love it." I reply, gently pulling the pieces apart and handing him the one which says 'amor' on it.

"That one was for you," he says.

"No. You are the one who made me feel love for the first time. Besides, I want you to know that I love you, even when we're not near each other."

He smiles and kisses me before replying, "I don't need a necklace to tell me that."

Across the day I end up with a bracelet, two notebooks, a picnic, a movie, a date at my favourite cafe for dinner, three new books, a handmade pencil pouch (which he sewed himself after begging Rupert to teach him how), a surprise visit from my parents, a double date watching my favourite disney movie Cinderella with Edward and Francis and a evening on a blanket gazing at the stars.

"By my count, that's fourteen," he says, pulling me closer. "Four left."

"It's nearly curfew, you're going to have to be quick," I tease.

"Well, this next gift is actually three in one," he replies.

"And what if I say they only count as one?"

"Then tomorrow I will give you two of the best gifts I can get two days before Christmas. Do you want to know what the gift is first?"

I nod and close my eyes.

"I'm afraid it's only a picture on my phone for the moment, but I promise, you'll see it in real life soon."

He hands me his phone and shows me pictures of a beautiful cottage, there are horses dotted around, and the cottage itself has a small garden, with plenty of room for the dog I've always told him I will have when I leave home.

"It's beautiful," I say, "but I don't understand."

"It's ours."


"Well, it wasn't mine until yesterday. I've had to look for somewhere to stay over Christmas and Rupert saw me looking one day and said his grandmother had left her house to him and he didn't have anything to do with it. In return for doing a few things for him yesterday, he said he'd give it to me."

I stare in amazement, "what did he get you to do?"

"You don't need to worry about that. I'd do it a hundred times to make you as happy as you are now. Whenever you're ready, you can move there with me. Don't feel the need to move straight away. I want you to be sure. There's also this little guy which I'm picking up in the new year."

He shows me a picture of an adorable labrador puppy with a little nametag on the collar which says 'Victor'.

"Oh, Liam...."I say, my voice trailing off as I see the name. The same as my dad's.

He kisses me gently. "The third gift in this selection is in the last picture."

I scroll to the next photo and have to stop myself from crying as I see it. It's a screenshot of a text conversation Liam must've had with his dad.

Dad- I'm sorry. I want you to be happy. Please can we try again? I hope you can forgive me one day.

Liam- I already do.

"Really?" I say, looking at him through my tears.

"Really," he says. "I called him earlier and he wants to apologise. He wants me to be happy and I told him that one thing would make me happiest of all. That's for later though."

"Thank you. These are the best gifts yet. I don't know how you think the eighteenth one will be the best 'cause it won't."

"I was afraid you'd say that. It makes me even more nervous now."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

He takes his phone back and looks at the time. "Perfect," he says, showing me the time. 10:03. Exactly the time he texted me to confess he had a crush on me. Such a strange time that's always felt so special.

He stands up and helps me stand. "We should head back. It's almost curfew."

I follow him as he leads the way back to the dorms. We head through the archway again where we shared our first kiss, and I notice he's no longer walking beside me. I turn to see what he's doing, and I see the most unbelievable sight before me.

Liam is kneeling on one knee, and he's holding a ring box in his hand.

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