Chapter 12- Liam

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Trigger warnings- None

I'm not sure what I even want to say, but there's no way I'm going to let these two upset Imogen like that. Her stepbrother seems to be the only one who respects her and he seems ok with me. I guess that means I passed his test?

I open my mouth and start to speak. "Look, I know that your daughter or stepdaughter coming out to you as Asexual came as a bit of a shock. And yeah, you're right, unfortunately there are some people who will take advantage of her anyway. I promise you, I would never do that. I love Imogen more than anyone else in the world, and if she ever wanted me to stop doing something, I would stop immediately. I know she doesn't want to have sex, and that's ok. The type of relationship Imogen wants is someone she can spend the rest of her life with as a close friend. A companion if you prefer. And I am more than happy to be that companion."

I pause to take a breath. I expect one of them to interrupt me, but they don't, so I continue, "no matter how hard you try and fight with her about her relationship with me, I will stay by her side. I'm sure she didn't tell you this, but she and I broke up for a little while. I explained to her that I would wait a thousand lifetimes to spend even one of them with her, and I meant every word of that. If you don't accept Imogen being Asexual, that's fine, but please don't assume that there aren't people who will accept that, and that there isn't anyone who will give her the love and respect she deserves, because there are. And I would like to be one of them."

I stop again, expecting them to now take advantage of the moment of silence, but still, there's nothing. "I'm sorry if I've come across as rude or disrespectful, and I assure you that wasn't my intention, but I wasn't going to sit here and let you think I have no respect for Imogen's boundaries. Now, I guess we'll take our leave."

I'm about to turn around when a hand grabs my wrist. I turn around, sure that I'm about to get punched in the face, but I don't. Instead I'm face to face with Imogen's stepdad.

"I'm sorry kid, I think we started off on the wrong foot," he says. "You seem like you really care about her."

"It's not that we don't accept Imogen being Asexual," her mum adds, "but when we were young, terms like that didn't exist. We barely understood what it meant. But seeing how much you care about my daughter, makes me think that you're seriously in love with her. We want to know about her sexuality, and we want to understand so we can be here for her."

I turn to look at Imogen as Lewis lets go of my wrist. "If you want to talk to them alone or with Edward, I understand, but I'll always be here if you need me."

Imogen looks between me and her stepbrother. If she chooses him I understand, he seems like he'll be there for her no matter what anyway. Any step brother who gives their step sister's boyfriend a quiz like he gave me deserves to be just as happy as we are.

Imogen comes over to me, "can you stay with me?"

"Sure love, I'm right here if you need me," I reply, giving her a small kiss on the cheek so I don't embarrass her.

She still blushes anyway and nods to Edward, who's still standing by the door.

Edward nods and says, "text me if you need me, Imogen, I'll be here as quick as I can if you need me to be."

"Thanks Ed," she replies, and we watch as Edward leaves.

Imogen moves her chair next to mine so we can sit facing her parents. I offer her my hand as she takes a seat, but she chooses to play with the promise ring I bought her after our six month anniversary instead.

I sit and watch her as she fiddles with the ring, sliding it on and off her finger. I know this is terrifying but I can't help but want her to speak so we can end the really long and awkward silence we're in right now.

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