Chapter 5- Imogen

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Trigger warnings- Suggested cheating, Cheating accusations, Swearing and a breakup

After classes are over, I head to the dorms and try knocking on Liam's door. No answer. I try knocking harder, still no answer.

I try calling him to see if he's inside. If he is, I'll hear his phone ringing. Sure enough, I hear his ringtone.

Hey Immy

-You do know I've been knocking on your door don't you?

Have you?

-Yep. Are you going to let me in or not?

Uh...Immy I'm a bit busy at the moment. Can we talk later?

-No. You forgot about our lunch date and snuck out of the school without telling me anything, the least I deserve is an explanation.

Alright. Five minutes. Just let me get changed.

He ends the call.

Why does he need to get changed? What's he been doing? Why didn't he want to let me in?

It's only now that I realise he was probably talking to someone else. Maybe his other girlfriend that I'm convincing myself more and more exists.

"Hey," he says at last, opening his door. "Come in."

He's wearing baggy jeans and a hoodie, but from what I can see, no shirt underneath. His dark brown hair is all over the place and it looks like he hasn't brushed it after just waking up.

"What were you up to?" I ask.

"Nothing. I was asleep."

"You were sleeping at 4 o'clock in the afternoon?" I question, 'cause there's no way I'm letting him get away with whatever he's been up to.

"Yeah, it's been a pretty shit day to be honest."

"Really? Was it a shit day before or after you snuck out of school and conveniently forgot about our lunch date?"

"Immy, why are you acting like this? I don't know what I've done apart from skipping our date to annoy you, but whatever it is, I'm sorry."

I can't believe he's denying it. He must realise by now that I'm on to him.

"Where's your phone?" I ask. If he wants to make this difficult, so will I.


"Your phone, Liam. Where is it?"

"The head's got it. I'm on house arrest for two weeks."

"Then what's that on your desk?" I ask, 'cause I can sure as hell see a phone that looks suspiciously like his on his desk right now.

He looks at it and clearly realises his mistake. "Immy I...."

"No. Don't call me that. I want to know why you snuck out. And why are you lying to me? What were you even doing before I came in anyway, your laptop's on your bed so you can't have been asleep."

Then, I do something hasty. I grab his laptop. He tries to stop me, but I push him away and press the spacebar to bring it back to life. The screen lights up with a series of emails. I scroll up and read the latest two.



Subject: The project

Hi Emily,

I tried emailing my dad about the project, but he's not answering me. Could you tell him I've done what he asked and email me the other stuff he wants me to do?

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