Chapter 14- Liam

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Trigger warnings- Swearing

Watching a movie with your girlfriend and her best friend shouldn't be this awkward.

Whenever I'm around other people who aren't Imogen or directly related to Imogen, I can't help but put up this wall of being the bad boy everyone thinks I am.

When the characters kiss, which usually I find sweet, I kiss Imogen at the same time. However in front of Chloe I groan and complain. I know Imogen wants her friend to like me, and I think Chloe does like me, but I don't know if she likes the me Imogen tells her about, or the one everyone else sees. Sometimes even I struggle to find where the fake me ends and the real one begins.

I'm pulled from my spiralling thoughts by a knock at the door, which clearly, Imogen wasn't expecting either.

She opens it and Edward walks in with some other boy I've seen around but haven't met before.

"Hey Immy, hope you don't mind us coming over," Edward says.

Imogen smiles. "Of course not." She turns to the other boy, a tall, dark haired guy who looks so different from Imogen with her long brown hair which I love to play with when we cuddle in one of our rooms. He also looks nothing like her step brother, who is only slightly taller than Imogen herself, and looks like a stereotypical Disney prince with his blonde hair and blue eyes. Imogen speaks to the other boy, "hey Francis, it's been a while."

I snort when I hear her say his name, and I get glares from everyone except Imogen. I thought that was what I was supposed to do in this situation, upon hearing some fancy name like that, but as usual, I've done the wrong thing again.

Francis takes Imogen's hand and presses it to his lips, which makes me shift to stand up and punch him in the face. I would've done it too, if Chloe hadn't been there to pull me back.

"We've come to play some games to take Chloe's mind off the current situation," Edward interrupts, changing the subject to save me from punching his best friend in the face I guess.

"That sounds fun," Imogen replies. She turns to me and Chloe. I'll agree to whatever she wants to do, so I nod and look at Chloe to get the final verdict.

"Sure, sounds fun," she adds.

Edward and Francis come in, and Imogen makes the introductions. "Chloe, I don't believe you've met in real life yet, but this is my step brother Edward and his best friend, Francis. Francis, this is my best friend Chloe and my boyfriend Liam."

"A pleasure to meet you," Francis says. "I must admit, your demeanour is very contrary to the rumours I've heard about you."

"If you mean the shit you've heard from people like Rupert Twickenham who think I'm a piece of shit, yeah I am different than that loser," I snap. I hate when people judge me based on rumours and think I'm exactly how Rupert describes me.

Francis stares at me for a few seconds. I assume he's probably appalled that I used the word shit, but he can deal with it.

"We were planning to play spin the bottle," Edward says, once again, saving his best friend from being taken down by me. Suspicious much, Edward? "But we've decided against that since three of us are boys and I wouldn't want to make Chloe uncomfortable. So we're going to play truth or dare instead."

"Sounds fun," Imogen replies.

"But nothing too peppery or undignified, right Eddy?" Francis intrudes. Who the fuck uses the word peppery in a sentence? And Eddy?

Edward smiles, "of course not. We're only helping Chloe after her break up after all."

"Ok, I'll start," Francis butts in. "Liam, truth or dare?"

How did I know he'd choose me? Oh well, I'm not scared of him. "Dare," I say without hesitation.

Francis smirks. "I dare you to ask the first girl in your contacts on a date."

I look to Imogen first and she nods. She knows he doesn't mean any harm I guess. The problem is, I know for a fact that I only have three girls' numbers on my phone. Imogen, my mum, and Emily. And since Emily's name is first alphabetically, she's the one I'll have to ask.

L- Hey Emily....

E- Liam, hi. Why are you calling me at this hour?

L- I um...wanted to ask you something.

E- Sure, what is it?

L- Well...uh...d-do you want to go on a date...with me?

E- Aww Liam, I'm flattered really, but I've already got a partner. We're engaged actually.

L- Oh god, I'm so sorry.

E- Don't worry about it. And I won't mention it to your dad, though I'm sure he'd be delighted you've found someone. Don't worry, you'll get there one day.

L- Yeah...sorry. Anyways, I'm playing truth or dare with some people at school and this was a dare. Sorry for disturbing you.

E- I thought something was up. It's ok. Just make sure you stay safe yeah, and no drinking, otherwise I'll have to tell your dad.

L- You sound like my mum.

E- Think of me as a big sister. Anyways, have fun. Night Liam.

L- Night Emily.

End of call.

Francis explodes with laughter. "You just got rejected!"

"Francis, shut up," Edward scolds. Surprisingly, Francis goes quiet at once.

"Sorry, I thought it would be funny. Who is she anyway?"

"My dad's secretary," I reply. "She's 20, so that was horribly inappropriate, but I don't make a habit of talking to girls who aren't Imogen or my mum."

"That's sad," Francis laughs. "Then again, I can't talk. My parents wish I had even one girl's number on my phone that isn't my mum's. They still haven't figured it out yet."

"Figured out what?" Edward asks and I can't tell if he's stupid or ignorant.

"I'm gay my dear friend. I like guys."

"O-Oh," Edward replies, and I think I'm the only one who catches the small smile he makes as he turns his head away from him.

After I ask Chloe to tell us a truth, the story of how she broke up with Jem, it's Chloe's turn. "Edward, truth or dare?"

"Uh...truth?" He replies, though it's more of a question than an answer.

"Do you have a crush on someone?"

"Uhhh I've changed my mind. Dare."

"I dare you to tell us who your crush is."

Edward's face goes bright red. I don't get why people are so shy to confess their crushes. What's the worst that can happen? They reject you? You just move on and find someone better.

Edward finally takes a deep breath. "It's....Francis."

"Wait," Francis snaps to attention. "Eddy, you like me?"

After another deep breath Edward replies, "I've liked you since I met you, but I never knew that what I felt was love. I never thought you weren't straight so I never built up the courage to ask."

"Would you like to go out for some coffee at the weekend?" Francis asks.

"I'd love to. But, is it a date or....?" His voice trails off.

"Edward, for someone who is the top student in almost all our classes, you are dim sometimes. Yes it's a date. I like you too."

Well, Imogen's step brother has a boyfriend now. I guess that will make Imogen happy for him. And if she's happy, I am too. Though I think Edward deserves better than stuck-up Francis. Then again, he could be interested in Rupert Twickenham, so it's not all that bad I guess. If Francis makes him happy, who am I to judge? 

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