Chapter 11- Imogen

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Trigger warnings- Mentions of the death of a parent

"So remind me again why we're not asking your parents if I can come over first?" Liam asks.

I sigh. "My parents don't really like it when I come home to visit. My stepbrother's the favourite child. I'm there as an accessory. He's the one who's going to achieve something."

Liam grabs my hand. "Immy, we don't have to do this today if you don't want to. Please don't feel pressured because of me."

"I'm not," I lie, "I just don't want them to hate you."

When we get to my house, I knock on the door. I will never understand why Lewis doesn't want me to have a key to my own house.

"Watkins, get the door!" A voice shouts from inside.

The butler, Watkins, opens the door. "Welcome home miss, I wasn't aware you were coming."

"Who is it?" Lewis asks, turning the corner from the drawing room to the hallway, so he can see me. "Oh, it's you," he says upon seeing me for the first time since school started up again, about six weeks ago.

"Hello," I reply, "I hope you don't mind us dropping in like this."

"Us?" Lewis questions, then he notices Liam. "Sorry, do I know you?"

We both step inside as Watkins moves out of the doorway to allow us in.

Liam takes off his shoes and holds out a hand to Lewis, "Liam Samuels, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Lewis stares at his hand like he has some kind of disease. Liam gives up and drops his hand. You could almost cut the tension in here with a knife. None of us seem to know what to say.

I cough and try changing the subject. "Where's mum?"

Lewis is still glaring daggers at Liam and doesn't move to look at me as he answers. "She's with Edward in the dining room."

"Oh, Edward's here? I didn't realise he came over for dinner like that."

"Of course he does. He's what a kid of ours should be. Not playing around pretending they don't want to have sex instead of admitting they don't want children."

Liam is the one who tries to diffuse the situation. "Imogen's sexuality is not something you should judge her for. She was very brave to share that piece of information with you, the least you could do is attempt to understand her and what Asexuality is."

"You have no right to speak to me like that!" Lewis snaps. "Who on earth do you think you are?"

"Let's try starting again shall we? I feel we've got off on the wrong foot. My name is Liam Samuels and for the past eight months, I have been your stepdaughter's boyfriend."

"Dad, what's all the noise about?" Edward says, coming out into the hall from the dining room. He sees me and Liam and smiles. "Immy, you never said you were coming."

He walks over and gives me a hug. Liam mouths to me over Edward's shoulder asking if I'm ok to which I smile and mouth out a yes.

When Edward pulls away he notices Liam. "You must be a friend of Imogen's. I apologise for my rudeness, but I don't believe we've met."

"We haven't," Liam replies, "Liam, Imogen's boyfriend."

"So this is the boy you've been telling me about. Well, if you're staying for dinner, I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions. I just want to make sure my sister's found someone who's good enough to have the pleasure of dating her."

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