Chapter 16- Liam

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Trigger warnings- Swearing and toxic parents.

Thomas opens the door when I ring the bell. He's technically my valet, though I've told my dad for years that I don't need one. I hate the fact that my dad acts like we're better than everyone else. I know I'm not better than anyone.

"Welcome home, sir," Thomas says. No matter how annoyed or angry I get at my dad for even hiring Thomas, it isn't Thomas' fault. He's just doing what my dad pays him to do, so I'm always nice to him. I try to treat him like he's actually a human being too, unlike my dad, who treats his valet like a piece of dirt. This must hurt Thomas even more, as dad's valet is actually Thomas' older brother.

"Hey Thomas," I say, as I help him get my jacket off Imogen. He aids me in slipping back into it myself, and I gesture to Imogen. "This is my girlfriend, Imogen. Immy, this is my ... .valet, Thomas."

She looks between us and seems a little shocked. "You have a valet?"

"Yeah, my dad insists I have one. Sorry if it makes you think I'm posh or some shit, I assure you, I'm not."

"Liam, please don't swear," a voice calls from down the hall. All three of us look up to see that it's Richard, Thomas' older brother and dad's valet.

"Sorry," I reply, though by now we all know I don't mean it.

Richard comes over to us, still standing at the entrance. "You must be Imogen, the guest we're expecting this evening. Welcome. I am Richard, Mr Samuels' valet. I hope we are able to make this a pleasant evening. If there is anything you require, I would be happy to assist you."

I sigh, "Richard, please. She's only here to meet my parents. There's no need for all this to be so formal."

"Your dad is waiting in the dining room," Richard replies, ignoring what I just said. "Please, follow me."

Imogen looks at me nervously, but I offer her my arm and we head down the hall together. Of course, I know where the dining room is, so I have no idea why Richard feels the need to show us. I guess it's my dad's doing.

Sure enough, when Richard opens the door to the dining room, I see my dad seated at the head of the table, reading his newspaper. Richard even feels the need to announce our entrance, "Liam and his girlfriend, Imogen, sir."

He doesn't even put his newspaper down. "Thank you Richard. Fetch me a glass of scotch, some lemonade for Liam, and whatever the girl wants."

Imogen mutters, "lemonade is fine, thanks."

Richard bows and leaves. Thomas follows us into the room.

My dad still doesn't look up as I sit in my usual seat on his left side and Imogen takes the seat beside me.

After a long while, Thomas finally clears his throat, "sir, I don't believe there is much point in Imogen being here if you're going to ignore her the whole time."

The main reason Thomas and I get on so well is because of his attitude. He's not afraid to speak his mind and I like that in a person. My dad on the other hand, doesn't.

"Thomas, I am reading my newspaper. When I am finished, I assure you I will have plenty of time to talk with her. I will also be doing my best to convince her of her mistakes and put forward my proposition, but until that moment, please remain quiet and do not interrupt me again."

"Sorry sir," Thomas replies, and he goes silent.

It's a while before my mum finally puts in an appearance. When she does, she's on the phone, probably talking to a client. She puts the phone down and looks at me, then Imogen. "Who are you?"

Finally, I can actually do what we came here to do. "Mum, this is my girlfriend, Imogen. I've told you about her before. Imogen, this is my mum."

My mum looks her up and down, not even paying attention when Imogen says it's nice to meet her.

When my mum speaks again, her tone is quite the contrast from before. "Hm, I suppose I can see why you fell for her, Liam, but I can't say I understand why she said yes to your first date. She could quite easily do better."

As usual when I hear these comments, I stay quiet.

Imogen on the other hand, doesn't. "I love Liam more than anyone I've ever met. I don't know why you think he isn't good enough for me, but he is. Can't you be happy that your son has a girlfriend?"

My dad puts down his newspaper. "Wow, a girl with the guts to speak to an adult like that? I'm impressed."

"Definitely," my mum adds. "Tell me, Imogen, what do you want to do when you leave Whymper?"

"I-I want to go into politics," Imogen replies. "I want to try and make the world a better place."

"Such ambition," my dad remarks. "You could take a leaf out of her book, Liam. That's a much better goal than being a...what was it? A journalist?"

I've loved writing since I was little, and for some reason, the news and what's happening in the world has always fascinated me. I'd love to be able to travel the world and tell the stories right as they happen. My dad wants me to stay here and take on the family business, and well...I don't really have much choice do I?

"I think being a journalist is a great ambition," Imogen snaps, with more malice in her voice than I've ever heard her use. "Liam is very smart and definitely has the drive to be whatever he wants to be. He doesn't have to take over your company if he doesn't want to."

"He's ungrateful and selfish," my dad snaps back. "I created the company to give him a better future. To give him a guaranteed career and to make our lives better. He wants to throw all of that away to be with some random girl and wants to have a future writing stories people will read and forget about within a few weeks if not a few minutes."

"But building the company and making me take it over was your dream, dad, not mine," I mutter. "I've always wanted to be a journalist."

"I don't care what you want. Don't you want me to be happy?"

I sigh. "Of course I do. But let's be honest, dad, no matter what I do, I will never be good enough for you. Even if I take over the company and do everything you ask of me, it still won't be enough. I can't be the son you want me to be, because I'm not a carbon copy of you. I can see now that it was a waste of time bringing Imogen here, because you're never going to see me as anything but a disappointment." I stand up and gesture for Imogen to take my arm. She does and I start to head for the door. "I'm sorry for wasting your time."

My dad stands up too. "Liam, if you leave this house, you will not be welcomed back. That school can take care of you until you graduate and after that, I won't be supporting you anymore. Do you understand?"

"I get it," I reply. "But if I have to be a disappointment to stay with Imogen and achieve my own dreams, I'm willing to give this up. This whole thing of the company, being rich and famous and having a big house was always your dream, not mine. Thanks for everything dad, but I'm done. This is the end."

Imogen and I leave the house and don't look back. I refuse a lift from the driver, and we start the walk back through the village, to Whymper.

"I'm sorry I ruined everything," I say when we've been walking for about half an hour.

"You didn't ruin anything," Imogen replies. "In fact, I think you just made me fall in love with you all over again."

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