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That's it. I can't believe I just wrote a romance book. 

If you'd told me when I started Wattpad that I'd write a romance book, I'd probably laugh. But here we are. I assume if you're here you either read right to this point or you've skipped here to see why I've mentioned you in my book. Either way, thank you!

So, in this book I'd like to give thanks to three people in specific...

First romance_lover16

Who will always be one of the best people I've met on this platform and I will always be thankful to have in my life online <3

Second to LilacsAreInBloom

For reading this story and being one of its most dedicated fans. <3

And lastly to bird_084

For just being such an incredible person and an inspiration to me. You're the whole reason I do what I do <3

A few extra people I'd like to thank are LiebeKlara And @AdrielleReina, who sadly left the platform a short time ago. If you ever see this Adri, you're my hero and I'll never forget you :)

And the very last thing. Thanks to you! Yes, you reading this right now. I hope you enjoyed Imogen and Liam's story and I hope I'll see you in the next one.

All the best, 

Craftychicken <3

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