Chapter 15- Imogen

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Trigger warnings- Swearing and trying to steal someone's partner.

It's Thursday and I'm waiting for Liam to come pick me up from my dorm. Apparently, his dad is rich enough that he's sent his driver to come collect us and take us to his house.

As soon as I heard this news, I was infinitely more paranoid and I started to consider what to wear much more seriously. I eventually settled on a teal strapless dress which has a skirt which finishes just above my calves. I hope it doesn't look too bad, but who knows. Chloe came over to do my makeup for me. We settled on some foundation, a little bronzer and a touch of light pink lipstick, but that's all. I didn't want to look like a doll or some celebrity, which I am certainly not.

There's a knock at the door at precisely six and I open it to see Liam as I have never seen him before. He's wearing a suit. Like a full on suit. He even has a tie on, and it's tied correctly. I mean, our uniform has a tie, but he never wears it correctly if at all. His navy blue tie matches the coal grey suit perfectly and he looks incredible. I wish the rest of the school could see him now.

"Wow, you look amazing," he says, raising his eyebrows as he looks at my dress.

"Thanks, so do you," I reply, and he blushes an instant crimson.

"We'd better get going," he continues. "The driver's outside."

He offers for me to take his arm and we head towards the front entrance of the dorm building. As we get to the common room, our route to the exit is blocked by someone we both unfortunately would rather not bump into. Rupert Twickenham.

"Mr Samuels, might I ask where you're going so dressed up?" He questions.

"We're going to have dinner with my parents, but I don't see how that concerns you," Liam snaps.

Rupert frowns and goes on, "is this Imogen's first time meeting your parents?" That's strange. He always calls everyone by their last name, so it surprises me to hear him call me by my first name.

Liam is apparently surprised too as he takes a few seconds to respond. "Yes, it is. I met her parents a couple of weeks ago and now I'd like to introduce her to mine. Now if you wouldn't mind moving out of the way, we'll be out of your way for a few hours."

"Oh, Imogen wasn't in my way at all. You, on the other hand, have been a thorn in my side since the day I met you."

Liam scowls, "Rupert, I'm trying to be nice here. Please, just move out of the way."

"I don't see why I should. I'm sure Imogen would much rather stay here than go to some boring dinner with your parents. I mean, if they're anything like you, she'll do the sensible thing and leave you straight away. She might as well break up with you now and save you the heartbreak. I have two tickets to a ballet this evening my mother sent me, and I'd be delighted to take her with me."

Oh my god! Rupert is trying to invite me on a date when my boyfriend is literally standing right here! I mean sure, he seems sweet I guess, but he is definitely not my type and even if he was, does he really think I'm going to dump Liam for him?

Liam is outraged. "How fucking dare you!" He screams. "Imogen isn't interested in you, you prick!"

Rupert smirks, "careful, I can easily tell the Headmaster about our little chat. I'm sure he'll be delighted to have you put under house arrest again."

"I don't care what you do, but leave Imogen out of it! She is my girlfriend and I don't need you to tell me I'm not good enough for her, 'cause I already hear that from my dad every day!"

Rupert stops and his smirk drops. "Wait, really?"

"Yes. You have every right to be jealous of me. I know I don't deserve Imogen and I am thankful for every day I get to spend with her, but please, don't try and take her away from me like that."

Rupert seems almost ashamed of himself. He's quiet for a while, before he steps aside and moves out of the way of the door. "Ok, I'm sorry. But I need to say this. I've liked you since you first came here Imogen. I didn't think...Liam really liked you and I thought he was using you. That's the main reason I was always getting on his case. I was trying to protect you. I see now that he clearly loves you very much, and I won't ask you on a date again. I'm sorry if I've hurt you in any way and I would like to make it up to both of you for disturbing your evening. Especially to you Liam. I mean, I have been tormenting you for the past eight months."

Liam considers his offer. "You don't owe me anything, Rupert. If Imogen wants anything from you, I'm sure you'll acquiesce, but I don't want anything. And I for one, forgive you."

"Wait, you really forgive me that easily?"

Liam nods. "It's nice to have someone apart from Imogen who sees me for who I really am rather than what everyone thinks I am, a rude, arrogant kid who's only here 'cause his parents are rich enough to make sure he stays no matter what. Some people don't see the real me, and if you can, then I forgive you."

"Wow, that's....really sad. I'm sorry people see you that way."

"It's fine. After a while, you get used to it. I'm only sorry that people assume I don't love Imogen because I'm not good enough for her. I mean, I'm not, but I love her more than anyone in the world."

"Cute stuff, Samuels." Rupert is quiet again as he looks to me, "I'm glad you've found someone who likes you as much as I do."

"Me too," I reply. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I'll let you two get on with your evening. Good luck and I hope it all goes well."

Liam and I head out the doors and into the night. It's a little breezy for October, and I shiver a little on the walk to the car. Liam shrugs off his jacket and wraps it round me, pulling me into his side and planting a kiss on my cheek. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"All that crap. want to go to the ballet with him...."

"No!" I snap, cutting him off. "I love you and only you. I could never love someone the way I love you. I mean, sure, I guess it's nice that Rupert cared for me enough that he was trying to protect me, but if he saw you the way everyone else does, even for a while, he's not worth it. You are my world, and nothing and no one will ever compare."

"Thanks," he replies, blushing.

He holds the car door open for me and we get in and look out the windows as the driver pulls through the gates and out onto the country road.

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