Chapter 20 War has begun

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Seto's POV

"You got the twili magic right Set?" Angel asked. "Yeah but I'm worried for Midna and the others." "We best get going. War will strike soon." The red head stated. "Yeah." The brunette replied bluntly. "Let's get going blood lust is filling the air." Angel stated as she closed her eyes and sniffed the air. "Seto save your magic." "We can handle the magic doing we need your magic to revive all the recruits." I nodded as the red head created a portal back to the base. There was already blood on the ground. "We were a little late. Dang It." The red head said. "By the way the name's Devillion but call me Devi my partner is Rox." Devi introduced. "Nice to know." I muttered out. "Seto!" I heard someone yell out. I glanced over to see Bonks and a recruit passed out. Mitch trying to help them. "Angel I'm heading over." I stated as I ran over to the two of them the marks started to glow. "What happened?" I asked.

Devi's POV
"I'm going to help set up the medical camps. Keep an eye out for hybrids and lure them to Seto for him to help. Kill any mobs coming." Angel ordered. Rox and I nodded as I turned into his weapon of choice in mind. Which would be a sword this time. "Devi keep an eye out for hybrids. I'm going to kill the mobs." He stated as he swung the sword at an enderman making in scream and run at him. I closed my eyes for any presence of any hybrids. I felt the presence of blood lust most likely from the demon hybrid and sparks of magic from an ender one. They both sneaked behind the battling mobs coming straight at us. "Rox two coming straight at us. They're hiding in the mobs." I stated as he starting running backward toward the sorcerer. "Set we got two incoming hybrids." "On it Rox!" This war is breaking out quick. I saw three portals having mobs come out of it. Recruits were all fighting the mobs as Team Crafted and their friends led the fight with great courage. But still have a worried feeling for their three friends and recruits.

I do see why minecraftia's peace is put in this army's hands. "Hey Rox." "Yeah?" "Let's join Sky army later." I smiled as he grinned back. "Sounds like a plan but this fight isn't going to end that much soon if we keep talking." He slice mob after mob making the two hybrids exposed. He ran towards Seto and shouted "We got two incoming!" "Roger!" He shouted back as the two hybrids were coming straight at Rox. "Rox look out!" I shouted as one of them grabbed his knee. He helped in pain as I transformed back into my usual self. The hybrids smirked as they leapt off of Rox and onto me. I dodged and grabbed the blackette to safety. Seto was did what he needed to do and turned them back to normal. Making them pass out. "Angel. Is the camp set up?" I asked telepathically. "Yep it's north of where Seto is." "Roger that recruits are coming in along with Rox his legs got injured." "On it." "Mitch grab the two recruits I'll grab the girl. Seto follow we can't loose you." Seto nodded as he followed along us running north. Seeing a few white tents. "Angel!" I shouted as she emerged from one of them. "Get them in." She ordered as both Mitch and I nodded and laid the four down. "I'm heading back in." I stated "Mitch look for any severely injured troops. Try to make it here quick enough." Mitch nodded as we both exit. I grabbed a blood red blade with black carvings and charged straight at the hoard. Seto had followed me knowing he had to be here for quick recoveration of the recruit. I slashed mob after mob killing them in a hit.

I had enough magic to close the portals that the enemies are coming from. That's the main reason why Rox and I are helping here. I was closing into the nether portal as I sensed a with hybrid. "Devi I got another one!" Seto shouted. "Got it just wait a quick minute!" I replied as I kept slashing through the nether mobs and closed the portal quickly. Then ran with Seto back north.

"Angel I think this is the last one." I replied as she nodded tending to the injured recruits. "I'm closing off the other two portals. Alone. I'm pretty sure that they only sent those three."She nodded as I headed out. "Seto stay here." I ran out and slashed through the mobs going for the demonic one next. They had attacked more insanely. It went to the point where I had to start blocking. They scratched me all over my body. I let out a battle cry and ran through all of them to the portal. Disconnecting their way back. Then killed off the remaining demons. I ran straight towards the end portal and closed it. I didn't have any potions with me making me not able to recover my health. The moment I saw Mitch I shouted "MITCH HELP!" He already was carrying two recruits a few were able to still stand and walk. He grabbed my blade and killed off the enderman still out. He dropped my sword and helped me up. "T-thanks." I mumbled out wincing as he accidentally touched a few cuts I had. The standing recruits were able to help some that were injured on the ground at the moment.

We quickly made our way back to the medical section where many people were at work. Bash, Monkey, and Lion I'm sure are their names are helping out Angel healing Team Crafted and recruits. I lost too much blood making me faint. Now all I see is darkness.

Angel's POV
I quickly caught Devi. As she fell. I quickly put her on a bed and got out some healing potions and a few rags to clean up her cuts. "Rest Devi. You'll need it until the next battle." I mumbled. "Can you tell me how Rox is at least?" "He's lost a lot of blood more than enough to make him paler than he is. But he is recovering slowly and nicely." I smiled as she fell asleep with a grin. I always knew that those two would get together sometime." I walked out grabbing more health, regen, notch apples, and golden or as Adam says budder apples for the others. They were holding up nicely. "Hey Set could you help me here?" I asked as he got up rom reading his book and grabbed some other supplies that were needed. I sighed knowing this is not over yet. There are still more battles awaiting. This war is now beginning once again and this time to the death.

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