Chapter 16 Just Plain Merome and Seto just Seto

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Mitch's POV

The moment I saw Jerome get on one knee I thought 'Is he really doing what he's gonna do?' Then Jerome pulled out a dark red velvet box and opened it to see a gold ring with an inscription of "Benja and Bacca" in silver. I started getting tears in my eyes but now tears of joy. "Mitchell Hughs... Do you want to hop on my endstone and marry me?" He asked "YES!" I screamed. Ugh I want to get these tube things off and hug him so bad. Jerome then went next to me and put the ring on. "Actually I change my mind the others can come in and do they know about us yet?" I said "Alright I'll let them know and honestly I'm not sure at all." He replied and kissed me. It was the best so far I wanted it to last forever.

Jerome's POV

After the long needed kiss I told my now fiance "I'm going to get the others." "Ok Biggums" He said. and I left the room to go get the others. 'I wonder how Seto is?' I questioned myself and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard and went in and saw everyone a little sad. "W-what h-happened." I asked worringly and kept studdering. "Just take a look at the heart rate monitor." Dr. Q said and I took a look and saw in going slow. I started getting tears in my eyes. "P-please don't go Seto." I mumbled. "What did Mitch say?" Q asked trying to change the subject. "H-h said you can go in now." I said "I'll stay here incase." Dawn said "Alright come straight to us if he wakes up." Brice said and everyone except her went to Mitch's room. "Hey Biggums we're all here except Dawn." I said through the door. "Come in." He replied. We all went in his room to see him looking at his hand. "Whatcha looking at?" Bash asked. "Should we?" He asked me I nodded. "Well we were both dating since the begining of team crafted." He said as if it was nothing leaving everyone surprised. "Woah that long?" Bonks asked I nodded "And well were going to tell Seto first but all it happened and stoof so while I was alone with him I well *smiles* proposed" I said happily leaving everyone at shock.

Seto's POV

'Ugh. What happened? Why does my head hurt and where am I?' I questioned myself. I looked up to see everything is gone? I sat up and streched quickly and started to walk then I hit something and now noticed everthing is invisible. I start waving my hands to find anything else and felt something like a bookshelf. Then a small blast of purple fire came from my hands and shot the invisible thing and it turned visible. 'AWESOME! I almost forgot my magic!' I thought and continued to make purple flames to throw on the "bookshelf" and gladly it was. After I finished throwing flames to see an antique like bookshlef. I started to pull out some random books and read some too. All are in standard galactic aswell. I looked from bottom to top then somewhere in the middle I saw one specific book that said "Spell Casters 101" 'Hmmmmmm? What is this?' I thought. I pulled out the book and....

A/N Woo This chap. is done. I'm actually starting a fourth story but I DON'T CARE Soooo I'm sorry for slow updates but I WILL work on future chapters for ALL my stories. So more about this new one. This is in your POV reader yes. It's a Dangan Ronpa story BUT it's mashed up with FNAF (Five Nights At Freddy's) so it actually sorta fit when you think about it. If you want to know more check out the story that I will start and hopefully finsh since I'm going to be honest a lazy person. Lol anyway hope you guys check it out and I'll see you next time > *

-Angel Out

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