Chapter 6

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One of the things I discovered about Archer is...
He cooks well!

I didn't hesitate to compliment him for that.
Now we're outside the house. I look around and he's just following behind me.

"Am I really the only one, except you of course, who visited this place?" I turned around to look at him.

He looks taken aback. He blinked his eyes and his brows furrowed. Wala na naman siya sa sarili.

"I asked you if I am really the first to visit this place?"

"Yes. I told you."

"I really don't get it..."
I studied his face. He ruffled his hair and he stopped when he caught me staring. He looked better like that.

"Are you alright? Parang kanina ka pa may iniisip."

He cleared his throat. "I was thinking about the deal."

So the deal made him like that? I even thought it was not a big deal to him.

"Don't tell me you're backing down?" I raised my brow.

He only stared at me.

I smirked at him. "Don't be a coward now Archer..."

He clenched his jaw. "I'm not. I was thinking about our next lesson." He said as he walked and towered over me.

"N-next lesson?"

"Why? I didn't ask you to come here just for a kiss Daisy." He reached for my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

Nag init ang pisngi ko dahil sa sinabi nito. "I know..."

"Really? Then what do you think our next lesson would be?" He asked as his hand slid down my hair and played with its curls.

"Uh... I uh... I don't know." Why is he asking me anyway?!

"I hope you're prepared..."

"Of course!" I bit my lip and his eyes caught it.

"I won't do something you don't want to. So if you don't like it tell me." He said and looked at me.


Nagpatuloy kami sa paglalakad.
"What's in there?" Turo ko sa dulo. Pababa ang lupa kaya hindi ko makita ang naroon.

"Just a field."

Naglakad ako palapit roon.
My breath hitched when I finally saw it.

I looked at him and he stared at me weighing my reaction.

"These are Daisies." I told the obvious.


"Field of Daisies." Ulit ko sa kanya. Nagbalik ang tingin ko sa harapan.

It's a field of Daisies! At napaka lawak noon! I've never seen anything like this!

My feet are starting to itch. I look back at him. I smiled slowly. A wide smile that my jaw hurts.

He bit his lips trying to suppress a smile. "Go on." He said like he read my mind.

Hindi ako nagdalawang isip na tumakbo papunta roon.
My laugh echoed as I ran and ran until I got there.
I don't even care if I look like a child or that I'm wearing a dress.

I couldn't hold back anymore. I suddenly stopped and turned around and met Archer's sparkling eyes.
His lips parted as I opened my arms and let my body fall slowly around the field.
It felt smooth under my skin. I closed my eyes and inhaled its scent.
Its sweet, refreshing and its alluring scent filled my nose.
I stayed like that for a long time even when I felt someone near me.

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