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with the satyr gone, it left reagan and michael with ellie and lee, who just so happen to be half-siblings, children of apollo. ellie noticed michael's ankle and asked what happened to the boy as she - being the physically strongest of the group - helped the boy down into the valley while reagan began to tell the story.

"...when he tripped, it was like i just.. knew what to do. i gave him some of the food cedar had-"

"ambrosia," lee supplied, looking at reagan and michael with a curious look. it was like he trying the guess who their dads were just based off the story she was telling.

"yeah, the ambrosia. i gave him some but the harpies were getting closer... this is gonna sound pretty dumb, but it was like i moved without even thinking and shot the harpie with the arrow," reagan shrugged and looked at the building they were approaching. it was the big blue house she had seen from the hill - next to what she learned was called 'thalia's tree'.

"and after that, she took her knife and stabbed the other harpie that was gonna attack her! it was so cool!" michael told the other boy with a big grin. then winced in pain when he put too much pressure on his ankle (ellie shot him a look and muttered to the boy 'careful').

ellie had led them through the doors to what reminded reagan of the little girls' room back at the orphanage. there were about twenty twin-sized beds along opposite walls of the long room with privacy curtains pulled back so it was completely opened. on the wall closest to the door was a doctor's office-style countertop that bent in the corner, with cabinets to store what looked like medical supplies for surgeries and such, a sink with a box of sanitary gloves next to them, and a big file cabinet that was placed in between the counter and a mini fridge.

taking a look around the room, reagan noticed that there were more people in the infirmary.

the first was a girl, maybe a year older than reagan. she had a look that reminded reagan of a warrior in the most deadly way possible, despite her age. she had a certain energy around her that made the girl look like she was almost glowing with rage. but it wasn't directed at anyone specifically, if anything it was directed at herself. reagan noticed that she had a cast on her arm and a pained look on her face. she also looked feverish, maybe she should ask ellie what happened?

the second person in the room was an older boy around ellie's age with sandy blonde hair and a smile on his face which could only mean he had a few tricks up his sleeve. he had blue eyes, and the color immediately reminded the girl of blue hydrangeas, and she got an acidic taste in her mouth at the thought. he sat along the opposite side of the room with a cut on his arm. it looked too shallow for a sword... many a knife cut? it wasn't deep enough for stitches and- reagan shook her head.

there was one final person in the room, a young girl - maybe a few weeks younger than reagan, with striking stormy gray eyes and a bronze knife attached to her belt loop. the knife looks to have blood on it, and reagan can only guess what happened there. she kept saying sorry to the older boy but he just kept a proud smile on his face and said it was okay, and not to worry about it.

"here is the camp infirmary," ellie said, helping michael to sit on the bed next to the blonde boy. ellie looked back at reagan and continued "lee is gonna give you a quick check-up while i take care of your friend, kay?"

reagan nodded and decided to take a seat next to the angry girl, who sent a slight glare in her direction. now, reagan likes to think of herself as a nice person, the type of person you could come to with your problems. she was that type of girl in the orphanage at least, so why not try and be that same person at camp too?

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